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Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2022 1:42 am
by Sergejs

What interesting thing can make with LAN module ENC28J60? I buy this but not have any idea how it use in practice.

Re: ENC28J60

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2022 8:10 am
by chipfryer27

The module is a relatively simple way to add "wired" communications to a project so anything you can think on that needs to "talk" to the world could benefit. Being wired means no issue with signal strength or other interference that occassionally affects "WiFi".

Years ago I had a project that used a similar module. The project collected data from sensors and the microcontroller then hosted a web page displaying the data that could be reached on my LAN. You could use it to enable a project to post data to ThingSpeak, MQTT brokers, PushingBox or any other IOT service. I think the WiKi has an example of turning a switch on and off using a web page.

Hope this helps.
