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Using C code generated in FlowCode in other IDE's

Posted: Tue May 02, 2023 4:14 pm
by OderlandoAbril
Hello. I would like to give my thanks to FlowCode 10 with open source and several free microcontrollers.
I was thinking about creating flowchart codes in flowcode to be able to generate a C code. So, I was questioning whether it would be too much work to use this generated C Code to adapt it in ST Visual Develop and make an STM8S work, because the flowcode does not has support for it. So, in your opinion, would it be a lot of work to do this?

Re: Using C code generated in FlowCode in other IDE's

Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 1:38 pm
by BenR

Yes it should be possible, You would be essentially writing parts of the CAL (chip abstraction layer) for the STM8 microcontroller. If you are familiar with C then you can look at the existing CAL codes here for reference. You would only need to create the functions that you require, for example I/O and maybe ADC, I2C, SPI etc.


Once you've done that it should be fairly easy to create a FCD (Flowcode chip definition) that would provide the pin and peripheral layout you require. You can look at the current FCD files using a text editor to see the syntax and allow you to copy and create your own.


Let u sknow how you're getting on.

Re: Using C code generated in FlowCode in other IDE's

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 11:18 am
by OderlandoAbril
Thank you very much for your clarifications, Ben. They are of great help to me !