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ICD Confusion

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 6:03 am
by p.erasmus
Hi Team,
When I am using Scada I can display a value in a numeric display ,when I am using the ICD/Ghost running at full speed
or even single stepping the display is never updated ,I am sure this was possible in the past with sliders and other indicators
Am I missing the point here expecting something that is not possible.
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Another confusion is when ICD switched ON (green bar at the bottom of sreen ON) Sometimes during compile to target the ICD code is compiled and sometimes not .
ON the PIC1938 with me it never gets compiled and not sure what the effects is but I lost many hours trying to get SPI code to work on the 1938 which is working in SCADA ,changed to a 18855 ICD code compiled and the SPI is working

Sorry if it is my understanding that is missing something

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