Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2022 7:56 am
A nice feature (for me anyway) would be able to set parts of a flowcode to run simulation at a slower rate than the rest. So for example if the flowcode is a big one and requires to be run at full speed to set various variables at the start of the program it would nice to be able to have a sort of toggle point were the simulation could be slowed down or even speeded up to make it easier to catch any changes that you've made to the flow code.An example i have is a button press menu. So if i need to watch whats happening in a particular section of my program if i could run the menu part at normal speed to capture the button press but then slow down to continue. If you're running simulation at a slow rate it is difficult to press the button and step through the button press routine at the same time. But if the simulation is run slowly up to that point and then runs full speed because it has seen a toggle point and then back to the slower speed after the routine it would make it much easier to follow what is going on.
Hope this makes sense
Hope this makes sense