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Multiple Page App Developer
Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 12:41 am
by solozerouno
Is it possible to make it so that App Developer can open several pages from one main page?
Thank you Solozerouno
Re: Multiple Page App Developer
Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:19 am
by Steve-Matrix
In Flowcode v10 you can have many 2D panels and each can be opened via the toolbar in a deployed App Developer app. Each will appear as a separate window and can be floating or docked to the main App Developer window. The availability and "dockability" of these panels is a setting when you export/deploy your App Developer app.
There are currently no built-in functions to programmatically open/close/move these windows. Would this be useful?
Another alternative is to create separate apps and launch those from your main App Developer project using the "ShellExecute" built-in function. To do this, the 'file' parameter should be the full path of the Flowcode Runtime.exe and the 'parameters' parameter should be the full path to your .mscada deployed app. Remember to put quotes around each and double and "\" characters in these paths - e.g. "c:\\MyDir\\MyFile.mscada".
Re: Multiple Page App Developer
Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 11:37 pm
by solozerouno
Is it possible to have an example with images please? So as to understand better..... Thanks Solozerouno
Re: Multiple Page App Developer
Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 11:44 pm
by solozerouno
However, the idea of a function designed to open multiple pages from a home page, perhaps from a switch, would be the best.... I'll give an example of what I should do: a home page on a PC has the function of setting my welding machine in 3 ways: welding for iron, welding machine for aluminum and electrode, and each function of my welding machine has specific parameters and functions and it would be important to switch from one type to another from PC..... Thanks Solozerouno
Re: Multiple Page App Developer
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 9:31 am
by Steve-Matrix
Attached is a very simple example. Save the project then open it and select "Export...Deploy as Flowcode App". Make sure "Bundle App Developer Runtime" is unticked and then deploy the app into the folder "C:\Flowcode\Programs".
Close Flowcode and then run the "Flowcode Runtime.exe" and load your deployed app. It will autostart. Clicking the "Click to open" button should launch another version of this app.
This is done in the "ShellExecute" function call in the "OnSwitchClick" macro. This command is assuming the runtime is located in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode v10\App Developer\" (which is the default). Change this and redeploy if it's in a different location.
Although this example launches another instance of the app, you could instead launch a different App Developer app (or indeed any Windows executable). And you could have different buttons to launch different apps.
I will try to add functions to open and close panel windows in a future Flowcode release.