Search found 13 matches

by IAB48
Tue Nov 09, 2010 12:54 pm
Forum: Flowcode V4
Topic: RS232 Rx character and decision
Replies: 3
Views: 3979

RS232 Rx character and decision

sorry guys I guess I need some more direction with this one. OK I'm looking for a particular sequence of characters in a RS232 input. As per my previous post the ssequence is Stopped. So i looked at how to test for the sequence and thought a number of Yes/ No decisions would be the go. The problem i...
by IAB48
Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:54 pm
Forum: Flowcode V4
Topic: RS232 - RX - Processing incoming string
Replies: 1
Views: 2075

RS232 - RX - Processing incoming string

Hi I want to perform a component macro in Ver 4 when a certain string in this case "Stopped" is received on the RX receive pin of an 18F458 PIC. EG I am sending commands to a vmusic2 module. When the MP3 file(s) in a directory finish playing the vmusic2 responds with "stopped". W...
by IAB48
Thu May 14, 2009 9:59 pm
Forum: Components (Other)
Topic: 16F628A Port B connected LEDS
Replies: 2
Views: 9170

Re: 16F628A Port B connected LEDS

OK I had the set up as recommended, ie masking the correct ports. What I found worked was use a variable. i called one variable for setting masked outputs high and another variable for setting masked outputs low. I made variable B_output_high = 255 and B_output+low = 0 and used the mask to set the c...
by IAB48
Thu May 14, 2009 7:45 am
Forum: Components (Other)
Topic: 16F628A Port B connected LEDS
Replies: 2
Views: 9170

16F628A Port B connected LEDS

Hi I am simulating a 16F628a and i have leds connected to B0, B3, B4, B5. I wanted to flash these ports on and off about 4 times and then leave B5 on. I tried this using port masking checking the ports listed above and also by trying by just selecting all ports without masking. the only port that fl...
by IAB48
Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:02 pm
Forum: Flowcode V2 & V3
Topic: Details on switch matrix codes and macros
Replies: 1
Views: 2285

Details on switch matrix codes and macros

Sorry to bother you again but can you steer me in the direction of code for say a 4 x 4 keypad matrix. I have the basic idea 4 x columns x 4 x rows. Each column is made high in turn by setting the equal port to a 1 and each row is read in turn (for each cloumn and checked for a high. I'm guessing th...
by IAB48
Tue Apr 21, 2009 12:42 pm
Forum: General / Misc
Topic: requiring multiple outputs
Replies: 1
Views: 3117

requiring multiple outputs

I am looking at controlling a number of leds and the only way I can see to do this is by using a second microcontroller. I'm looking at about 40 leds which will light in various combinations. The combination will depend on a keypad selection. This keypad selection will send serial code from the 1st ...
by IAB48
Tue Apr 21, 2009 12:37 pm
Forum: General / Misc
Topic: Multiple LEDS - how to
Replies: 1
Views: 3146

Multiple LEDS - how to

Hi How would i go about designing a macro to simulate a 4 x 4 keypad. I'm guessing that you make the equivalet of 1 column high and then read each row and repeat for each column, but where do you go from there? Any suggestions or Links that I could learn more from would be appreciated. regards Ian B
by IAB48
Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:22 am
Forum: General / Misc
Topic: question regarding use of variables
Replies: 2
Views: 8998

question regarding use of variables

Hi I'm writing a programme in flowcode that uses a keypad to determine what particular folder of music plays. The music is stored in various folders on a usb stick and the usb stick is plugged into a vmuisc2 module, whic in turn is connected to the pic microcontroller Example If keypad 1 is pressed ...
by IAB48
Mon Apr 06, 2009 11:52 am
Forum: Components (Comms)
Topic: Can i get larger keypads Eg 5 x 5
Replies: 2
Views: 3464

Re: Can i get larger keypads Eg 5 x 5

I've just purchased Flowcode 3. When is version 4 being released please.
by IAB48
Sun Apr 05, 2009 1:28 pm
Forum: Components (Comms)
Topic: Do i need to set anyhting to make a port TX or RX
Replies: 5
Views: 10895

Do i need to set anyhting to make a port TX or RX

how to i tell a port that it is being used for RS232 comms rather than a standard digital port. although this is a generic question the chip I am using at present is the 16F627.

Ian B
by IAB48
Thu Mar 12, 2009 11:48 pm
Forum: General / Misc
Topic: What should i see on RS232 for CR
Replies: 1
Views: 3243

What should i see on RS232 for CR

When i send a CR (13) I only see an asterisk on the RS232 component. If i send text such as Hello I see that OK.

I know CR is not a printable character so I'd suspect the asterisk might be flowcodes interpretation of the sent CR.

Would this be correct?


Ian B
by IAB48
Thu Mar 12, 2009 11:43 pm
Forum: Components (Comms)
Topic: Can i get larger keypads Eg 5 x 5
Replies: 2
Views: 3464

Can i get larger keypads Eg 5 x 5

I'm looking at a project that would require more than the 12 keys in a 4 x 3 keypad as per components on flowcode.

At present I am only using the evaluation software before committing my funds.

Is it possible to use a larger keypad , matrix and how would this be done.


by IAB48
Wed Feb 18, 2009 3:40 am
Forum: Flowcode V2 & V3
Topic: Sending Ascii characaters
Replies: 1
Views: 2215

Sending Ascii characaters

I'm just evaluating flowcode as a method of programing for a small PIC project for use in disability sector. I'm trying to work out how to send specific ASCII chahracters from the TX port of the pic. Example in simplist form Keypad button 1 is pressed and characters cd\ followed by ,cd B1 followed b...