Search found 28 matches

by Corto
Fri Jan 15, 2021 1:10 am
Forum: General Programming
Topic: ILI9341
Replies: 2
Views: 4625

Re: ILI9341

hello Jorgen,
You are not Ben, but you master well too :D
you're right, i'm an idiot that i haven't seen this before. :oops:
Thank you very much
by Corto
Thu Jan 14, 2021 5:24 pm
Forum: General Programming
Topic: ILI9341
Replies: 2
Views: 4625


Hi Benj, First i wish you and the whole team a happy new year 2021. I have a problem with the ILI9341 with F9. There is confusion between the X and Y axes. The 0 of X1 is -80 and X2 is 240 (80 + 240 = 320) It also seems that there is a problem with the SetBackgroundColour macro. I attach a photo of ...
by Corto
Wed May 08, 2019 6:03 pm
Forum: Flowcode V8
Topic: TMR0 Pic 12F615
Replies: 2
Views: 2278

Re: TMR0 Pic 12F615

Thank you Benj, TMR0=0xFF it is, as you said, to reset the counter to 0 when overflowing. I tried without the C code and it's the same. It is incredible because this program work before, and it seems to me correct! The interrupt is on A2 (this is the external "clock" input, it is the signa...
by Corto
Wed May 08, 2019 4:14 am
Forum: Flowcode V8
Topic: TMR0 Pic 12F615
Replies: 2
Views: 2278

TMR0 Pic 12F615

Hello Benj, Everyone, I have a problem that I can not solve with the attached program, which was running Flowcode 7 I think or maybe 6 (I don't remember), whatever, it worked. Lately I opened it under Flowcode and compiled, since it doesn't works (in simulation under Proteus) the displayed ...
by Corto
Tue Mar 12, 2019 5:14 am
Forum: C and ASM Programming
Topic: DS18B20 with PIC18F26K22
Replies: 3
Views: 8858

Re: DS18B20 with PIC18F26K22

Hello Benj, Thank you very much for your answers. I am sorry for this delay, I prepared, and now I am on an exhibition to present my products. It is very tiring ! I bought the XC8 compiler, 2 years ago and I use it every time. I tried to change the config 0x1; 0x2 and the OSCCON parameter. I calcula...
by Corto
Wed Feb 27, 2019 10:12 am
Forum: C and ASM Programming
Topic: DS18B20 with PIC18F26K22
Replies: 3
Views: 8858

DS18B20 with PIC18F26K22

Hello everyone, I have a big problem with the operation of the DS18B20 and the PIC18F26K22. Usually I use a PIC 16F1829 with an OSCCON F0 configuration (32MHz) PLL enable and clock Flowcode at 32MHz and it works fine. Now I changed Pic for reasons of use of additional inputs and outputs, but here it...
by Corto
Thu Feb 07, 2019 5:52 pm
Forum: C and ASM Programming
Topic: Write float value in eeprom
Replies: 5
Views: 12597

Re: Write float value in eeprom

Thank you Benj,
I will try the first solution.
As for the second that you propose, I tried in C but I was not successful, during the compilation I got a lot of errors. Do you have an example (under the elbow).
by Corto
Thu Feb 07, 2019 5:08 pm
Forum: C and ASM Programming
Topic: Write float value in eeprom
Replies: 5
Views: 12597

Write float value in eeprom

Hello Benj,All, I would like, for reasons of precision, to be able to memorize in the EEPROM for example a value U = 4.9542 I tried by creating a 16-bit shift variable, with a variable U as Integer MSB = U >> 8 LSB = U => EEVAL = (MSB << 8) + LSB eeprom1::write(0,MSB) eeprom1::write(1,LSB) It works ...
by Corto
Thu Nov 08, 2018 10:13 am
Forum: Flowcode V8
Topic: Delay, Timer
Replies: 8
Views: 6614

Re: Delay, Timer

Forget all, sorry, I confused all.
But for a delay of 8 hours, if I set the timer 2 the minimum frequence is 122.070
for 8 hours 122.07 x 3600 x 8 =3515616
it is too much for the counter
by Corto
Thu Nov 08, 2018 10:01 am
Forum: Flowcode V8
Topic: Delay, Timer
Replies: 8
Views: 6614

Re: Delay, Timer

Hello Medelec thank you for this answer, I understand the role of the interruption, by cons if I have a main program that runs at 32 MHz (for example OSCCON 0xF0 for the 16F1829) and I want to involve this delay triggered by an interruption every 15.259 Hz (OSCCON 0x38), I can not mix the 2 OSCCON, ...
by Corto
Thu Nov 08, 2018 8:12 am
Forum: Flowcode V8
Topic: Delay, Timer
Replies: 8
Views: 6614

Re: Delay, Timer

Sorry, I unsheathe too quickly! lol
forget the question on 15.259 (the prescaler must be set to 1: 8)
oh my God
by Corto
Thu Nov 08, 2018 8:05 am
Forum: Flowcode V8
Topic: Delay, Timer
Replies: 8
Views: 6614

Re: Delay, Timer

Benj, I watched the demo you added. the OSCCON is settled: SCS = Oscillator Timer 1; IRCF = 31 KHz; SPLLEN = 4 x PLL disabled I do not understand : the interrupt frequency you wrotte at 15.259 Hz instead of 31 KHz; the timer is disabled (perhaps to avoid calling a macro, only for the demo). Do I hav...
by Corto
Thu Nov 08, 2018 7:06 am
Forum: Flowcode V8
Topic: Delay, Timer
Replies: 8
Views: 6614

Re: Delay, Timer

Thank you very much Benj for all In my question, about 8, I forgot to add "Hours". Yes I wonder how one can manage to count several hours, knowing that at the bottom, in general, with a prescaler at 1 the frequency of interruption is around 125 Hz => 125x3600x8 = 3600000. Sorry Benj for th...
by Corto
Wed Nov 07, 2018 5:28 pm
Forum: Flowcode V8
Topic: Delay, Timer
Replies: 8
Views: 6614

Delay, Timer

Hello All my question is about timers. If I want, for example, to turn on the backlight of an LCD for 2 minutes, by pressing a push button and otherwise the main program continues to run. I imagine that I can bring in a timer (interupt), but if the delay should last 8:00, how can I (PIC 16F1829). Th...
by Corto
Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:12 pm
Forum: C and ASM Programming
Topic: PIC 18F26K22
Replies: 8
Views: 11657

Re: PIC 18F26K22

Sorry Benj,
Many thanks also, it is clear now for me.
by Corto
Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:10 pm
Forum: C and ASM Programming
Topic: PIC 18F26K22
Replies: 8
Views: 11657

Re: PIC 18F26K22

thank you very much Martin, I finally understood!
I need time, but now it's ok.
I will follow your advice and avoid using divisions and multiplication
the bit shifting will do the trick.
Many thanks a new time
by Corto
Mon Oct 01, 2018 1:11 pm
Forum: C and ASM Programming
Topic: PIC 18F26K22
Replies: 8
Views: 11657

Re: PIC 18F26K22

Many thanks Martin, For the osccon that's OK, thanks. but for the EEPROM, I took a look at the thread and I don't understand, because you wrote : ByteHigh = (IntValue/ 256) ByteLow = IntValue - ByteHigh* 256 for exemple, IntValue = 1000; ByteHigh = 1000/256 = 3.9; ByteLow = 1000 - (3.9*256) = 0. I a...
by Corto
Mon Oct 01, 2018 4:05 am
Forum: C and ASM Programming
Topic: PIC 18F26K22
Replies: 8
Views: 11657

Re: PIC 18F26K22

Thanks a lot Martin, I shall try your adding proposal. through my question and your answer, I discovered the "IntOsc Helper", (it's good to ask questions and especially to get good answers). unfortunately in the Helper it is not possible to go above 16 MHz, the Helper does not take into ac...
by Corto
Sun Sep 30, 2018 11:56 am
Forum: C and ASM Programming
Topic: PIC 18F26K22
Replies: 8
Views: 11657

PIC 18F26K22

Hello All, I would like the speed clock of the PIC to be set to 64 MHz. I wrote in C Code "OSCCON = 0x7C", General Option (in Flowcode) 16000000Hz clock speed and Configure 0x1 = 39ff; 0x2 = 0x3cf9; 0x3 = 0x9bff My problem is that I am not sure of my 0x7C and I hesitate with 0x74 (OSCCON),...
by Corto
Wed Sep 17, 2014 4:54 am
Forum: Forums d'aide en français
Topic: Cde Relais en Sortie Récepteur Modélisme
Replies: 12
Views: 10659

Re: Cde Relais en Sortie Récepteur Modélisme


I have a very good news, the project work correctly.
My son will be very happy, me to.
Without your help, I don't think that I find the solution.

Many thanks really

by Corto
Wed Sep 17, 2014 4:03 am
Forum: Forums d'aide en français
Topic: Cde Relais en Sortie Récepteur Modélisme
Replies: 12
Views: 10659

Re: Cde Relais en Sortie Récepteur Modélisme

Hi Martin,

Many thanks for your reply, I am very confuse.
I modify my program and I shall inform you of the result.

by Corto
Tue Sep 16, 2014 6:21 pm
Forum: Forums d'aide en français
Topic: Cde Relais en Sortie Récepteur Modélisme
Replies: 12
Views: 10659

Re: Cde Relais en Sortie Récepteur Modélisme

Bonjour, Je suis toujours sur mon projet et je ne m'en sors pas. Je n'arrive pas à "isoler" les 2 signaux lorsqu'ils sont à 1 (+5V), pous basculer ma sortie à 1. Je joins 2 fichiers, le premier en format Word montrant une image des signaux issue de Proteus et le second fichier le Flowcode....
by Corto
Tue Sep 09, 2014 5:42 pm
Forum: Forums d'aide en français
Topic: Cde Relais en Sortie Récepteur Modélisme
Replies: 12
Views: 10659

Re: Cde Relais en Sortie Récepteur Modélisme

Many Thanks Martin.
Now it is much more clear for me with your good explanation.

by Corto
Tue Sep 09, 2014 5:32 am
Forum: Forums d'aide en français
Topic: Cde Relais en Sortie Récepteur Modélisme
Replies: 12
Views: 10659

Re: Cde Relais en Sortie Récepteur Modélisme

Je joins un fichier Excel montant le graph de la séquence du signal de sortie du récepteur et l'état de la sortie pour alimenter un relais. Si quelqu'un peut m'aider à comprendre pourquoi le TMR0 ne déclenche pas sur le front montant du signal de sortie du récepteur et que le comptage lorsque le sig...
by Corto
Mon Sep 08, 2014 8:36 pm
Forum: Forums d'aide en français
Topic: prix des EBlockS
Replies: 3
Views: 4637

Re: prix des EBlockS

Bonjour Pilou,

Lorsque je désire un prix, j'appelle Multipower dont voici les coordonnées:

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