Alleluia! Discovered that the scope’s failed chip has 2 clock outputs, with one unused. So have swapped to the other one and regained the display as in these photos. It shows how bad the old one is as can only read a few things in the corners.
I think I have also shorted out the new display as it no longer works. Never mind as I think my best course of action is to buy a screen with the same basic spec but that accepts a 4 to 6MHz clock. Newhaven do such, albeit too big to fit inside the case. I think I have shown that the only reason the current one garbled some of it was a clock speed issue.
The alternative would have been to use a PIC to slow down the data but as the display is now bust I might as well pay the extra and get a faster screen. Occasionally in USA one can obtain the official screen but they cost £100s, even for s/h ones recovered from failed scopes.
Protocol converter for graphical LCD
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