Home Automation/MQTT

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Home Automation/MQTT

Post by KrisJeff »

Looking at home automation on the Raspberry Pi as the Broker with MQTT and Mosquitto. I already have a small system running on CANBus using several PIC16F877A. I now would like to enhance my system and have been playing with Node Red and Pi3.
However, at one point there was a MQTT Client in the Comms. Further to an update this now is no longer there?
Is it possible therefore to say have a keypad connected to an 16F877A which would then publish via MQTT and Mosquitto to a Raspberry Pi 3 which would be acting as a broker and using Node Red? Pi and Node Red is very new to me. However, locally I've so found it to be pretty good. If I could interface my 16F877A (or similar) with the Pi Broker via MQTT this would be excellent.
Any examples/pointers would be very helpful.
Node Red running on a tablet/phone is very impressive and the way to go for Home Automation. I just now need to interface and expand my existing
system with something more up to date.

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Re: Home Automation/MQTT

Post by chipfryer27 »


I just opened up a version of FC7 and the MQTT client was there. I upgraded components and now it's gone.... I hope this is an oversight by Matrix.

Incidentally FC9 has in addition to the MQTT client component an IoT Made Easy component although I haven't yet tried it.


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Re: Home Automation/MQTT

Post by medelec35 »

Ben has uploaded an excellent video on MQTT using Flowcode
It is using Flowcode V9.
You can try it with all targets and components free for 30 days

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