Flowcode Training Videos

For Flowcode users to discuss projects, flowcharts, and any other issues related to Flowcode 2 and 3.

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Flowcode Training Videos

Post by DavidA »

Hey guys,

Announcement on our new Flowcode training videos, we have created 30 easy to follow videos which walk you through the various aspects of Flowcode, from how to register your product to using RS232 over VNet.

Check out the new Learning Centre Training Video Page.

Also for anyone that has a YouTube account and would like to support Matrix and be the first to know about additional videos, please visit our YouTube channel and subscribe with the big "subscribe" button.

Matrix's YouTube Channel

Any comments or suggestions on the videos please post them here.

Thanks again!

List of Videos:

1.Walkthrough of installation
2.Walkthrough of product activation procedure
3.Flowcode introduction
4.First program
5.Output other values to a port
6.LED and LED array components
7.Using component macros 1
8.Using component macros 2
9.Program flow 1
10.Downloading a program
11.Program flow 2
14.Analogue Inputs
15.Switch icon to react to multiple states
16.Program flow 3
17.String manipulation
18.Using the panel
20.Customising C code for components
21.Adding own C code to program
22.Importing program from a different Flowcode variant
23.Using the ICD
24.Advanced components 1
25.Advanced components 2
26.Advanced components 3
27.Using the VNET to simulate CAN system
28.Using the MIAC with Flowcode, including the component macros
29.Using Formula Flowcode with Flowcode
30.Getting further help – routes to support

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