MX007 - From Idea to Working Model

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MX007 - From Idea to Working Model

Post by DavidA »

Article: ... .php?id=54

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Re: MX007 - From Idea to Working Model

Post by brandonb »

i have a question on this, i made a few programming boards which hook to the pickit2, then i noticed for the chips 16f1938 and 16f1939 they have a max vpp of 9v not 13.5v, microchip provides a special circuit diagram using the lm431 in the datasheet, the problem is i made as per datasheet in the icsp part and it pulls the vpp down on both side of the resistor, so it pulles the vpp output inside the pickit2 down to 9 volts as well, is this acceptable? what would be a better alternative, would a high value resistor of 100k and a simple 9v zener be suffice,im not sure what the current rating of the lm431 is as minimum ratings to reliably operate,.... to be honest i've been programming these chips with 13.5v vpp and nothing has ever happened to them, i've programmed one of them at least 100 times and still operates flawlessly, what are your thoughts on this?
1939 vpp limiter.jpg
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Re: MX007 - From Idea to Working Model

Post by Benj »


I don't think the PICkit 2 supports the devices that reprogram at 9V at least according to MPLAB. I think this was one of the reasons that Microchip released the PICkit 3 so they could reprogram at different voltages.

I always use the standard ICSP circuit (without the lm431) and this is working great with the PICkit 3 device and the 16F18xx and 16F19xx devices.

Also I have reprogrammed these devices at 13.5V and had no negative implications so far.

Note that the Matrix hardware such as the EB006 and the HP488 boards all program at the DC supply voltage though you will receive an error if this voltage is less then 12V.

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Breadboard for 18 pins microcontrollers

Post by Jan Lichtenbelt »

In the article MX-007 “From idea to working model” different type of breadboards are given for 18 pins microcontrollers of the microchip 8-bits series 16Fxxx and 18Fxxx.

The advantages of this new breadboard are:
- A semi-professional type board
- On-board programming (IC stays on board)
- LCD connector for easy testing.
- Optional on board power supply

In the meanwhile the 5x5 cm breadboard has been improved to a semi-professional one (excepted the distances to the board edge). This board can help you to realise easy your own model with one of the 18 pins microcontroller.

See the complete text in the word document attached.

With kind regards

Jan Lichtenbelt

PS. I'm sorry, but .pcb file were not allowed to be uploaded. The breadboard PCF file is therefore attached as .txt file. Change this into .pcb file.
DesignSpark pcb file. Change .txt into .pcb
(61.5 KiB) Downloaded 934 times
Breadboard for 18 pins microchip controllers.doc
In figure 1 EB-005 should be read as EB-006
(4.38 MiB) Downloaded 984 times

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Re: MX007 - From Idea to Working Model

Post by Jan Lichtenbelt »

This double side breadboard for 18 pins microcontroller with LCD connector, on board AC/DC powersupply and ICSP is available from the autor. The size is 5x5 cm. Additional V+ and B6 are available on the subD-9 connector. On board programming with ICSP can easy be done with the main board EB-006 and PICkit2 or 3. Part of the power supply can be deleted/short circuited, if wanted. During programming V+, A5, B6 and B7 are disconnected form the rest of the board.
This is an improved version of the previous one, described here above.

Kind regards

Jan Lichtenbelt
2_t.jpg (208.04 KiB) Viewed 19663 times

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Re: MX007 - From Idea to Working Model

Post by Jan Lichtenbelt »

Always trying to get the best solution, I'm glad to announce an improved breadboard for 18 pins microchips.

The improved version is 12A and 12B.

The following Microchips can be used
PIC16F54, PIC16F1826, PIC16F1827, PIC16F1847, PIC16HV540, PIC16F627A, PIC16F628A, PIC16F818, PIC16F648A, PIC16F818, PIC16F819, PIC16F87, PIC16F88, PIC16F84A, PIC18F1220, PIC18F1230, PIC18F1320, PIC18F1330
with the remark that the numbering of the PIC18 deviates from the PIC16, but the ICSCP are always at the same pins.

The specifications of version 12B are
1) the board can be used with and without power supply (AC or DC)
2) A matrix of 16x18 whole is the standard, but not all of them are available.
- Column 1 and 18 are all GND
- Column 2 and 17 are +5V from rows 1-13
- Columns 8-11are mainly used by the microchip
- Columns 7 and 12 are connected with the corresponding microchip pins, except the ICSP pins of the microchip. These last pins can be connected or not depending on the 5 pins header (on top of the microchip)
3) Standard available
- ICSP for programming the chip, with automatically disconnecting electronic to the applicable pins
- sub-D 9 pins connector with all B0-B7 ports and GND, or B0-B6 ports , 5V+ and GND, depending on a 2 pins header (between the sub-D connector and the microchip)
- Facultative a 16 pins LCD connector can be placed on column 3 (see picture)
- If the Sub-D connector is used for LCD, ports B6 and B7 are available for IOC, total 2 ports.

The specifications of version 12A are
All the same specifications as version 12B, except in version 12A ports A0-A3 are connected to sub-D pins 1-4. In version 12B ports B0-B3 are connected with sub-D pins 1-4.
That means that in version 12A ports B0-B3 are also available as IOC ports, total 6 ports.

Interested? Contact me.

With kind regards

Jan Lichtenbelt
Breadboard V12B.jpg
Breadboard V12B.jpg (77.25 KiB) Viewed 17901 times
Breadboard V12B with 16 pins connector.jpg
Breadboard V12B with 16 pins connector.jpg (73.8 KiB) Viewed 17901 times

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Re: MX007 - From Idea to Working Model

Post by Jan Lichtenbelt »

Steve contacted me and showed his breadboards for many microchips. ... =2&t=10678, ... =2&t=10674, ... =2&t=10675, ... =2&t=10673, ... =2&t=10672, ... f=7&t=8718

My breadboard is only for 18 pins microchips and I tried to make the board as small as possible, within the limits of 5x5 cm (due to costs). I had to make choices in the connectors, power supply etc etc.

Please find some additional pictures. One is the schematic drawing and the other 3 are the layout of the PCB

With kind regards,

Jan Lichtenbelt
Breadboard_V12B - Schematic.jpg
(152.87 KiB) Downloaded 4731 times
Breadboard_V12B top and bottom board.jpg
Breadboard_V12B top and bottom board.jpg (53.71 KiB) Viewed 17874 times
Breadboard_V12B top.jpg
Breadboard_V12B top.jpg (53.05 KiB) Viewed 17874 times
Breadboard_V12B bottom.jpg
Breadboard_V12B bottom.jpg (60 KiB) Viewed 17874 times

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