Unable to compile

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Unable to compile

Post by TerryV »

I am and have been for some time using Flowcode Ver 3.

I have just struck a problem whereby I am unable to generate the asm file and get the following error message.

FATAL: Unable to create output file: Duty Cyle Test-A.pp
Error: preprocessing error


Return code = 1

Flowcode was unable to compile the flowchart's C code due to the following errors:
If your flowchart contains C code, please review this carefully. If your flowchart contains no C-code or you have thoroughly reviewed the code, contact Technical Support.

Whilst this program does not contain any imbedded C code the previous project did.

Can you please advise how to resolve this problem.

Many thanks.

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Re: Unable to compile

Post by Benj »


Have you seen this FAQ topic?
http://www.matrixmultimedia.com/support ... f=22&t=610

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Re: Unable to compile

Post by TerryV »

The FRAQ refernces Windows 7 and I am running XP but I did manage to resolve the problem by saving to another directory.


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Re: Unable to compile

Post by Benj »

Hello Terry,

Thanks for letting me know your up and running correctly now.

Thats strange that XP now has the problem though. Are you using SP3 of XP by any chance?

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Re: Unable to compile

Post by keshav@solus.in »


I am using PIC16F1933 micro controller,

when i was compiling flow code program into HEX file i am getting following error bellow in blue lines ,

please suggest me how to solve this problem for your kind reference i have attached flowcode program

please reply as soon as possible.

File name: E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c
Generated by: Flowcode v4.3.7.63
Date: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 17:13:43
Licence: Professional


Launching the compiler...
C:\Program Files\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode V4\BoostC\boostc.pic16.flowcode.exe -v -t PIC16F1933 "16f1933-testing.c"
BoostC Optimizing C Compiler Version 6.95 (for PIC16 architecture)
Copyright(C) 2004-2009 Pavel Baranov
Copyright(C) 2004-2009 David Hobday

Licensed to FlowCode User under Single user Pro License for 1 node(s)
Limitations: PIC12,PIC16 max code size:Unlimited, max RAM banks:Unlimited

Starting preprocessor: C:\PROGRA~1\MATRIX~1\FLOWCO~1\BoostC\pp.exe E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c -i C:\PROGRA~1\MATRIX~1\FLOWCO~1\BoostC\include -d _PIC16F1933 -la -c2 -o E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.pp -v -d _BOOSTC -d _PIC16


E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(83:2): error: unknown identifier 'ansela'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(83:2): error: invalid operand 'ansela'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(83:9): error: failed to generate expression
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(84:1): error: unknown identifier 'anselb'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(84:1): error: invalid operand 'anselb'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(84:8): error: failed to generate expression
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(88:2): error: unknown identifier 'option_reg'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(88:2): error: invalid operand 'option_reg'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(88:13): error: failed to generate expression
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(93:2): error: unknown identifier 'option_reg'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(93:2): error: invalid operand 'option_reg'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(93:12): error: failed to generate expression
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(94:2): error: unknown identifier 'osccon'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(94:2): error: invalid operand 'osccon'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(94:8): error: failed to generate expression
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(95:2): error: unknown identifier 'osctune'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(95:2): error: invalid operand 'osctune'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(95:9): error: failed to generate expression
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(96:2): error: unknown identifier 'pcon'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(96:2): error: invalid operand 'pcon'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(96:6): error: failed to generate expression
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(97:2): error: unknown identifier 'porta'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(97:2): error: invalid operand 'porta'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(97:7): error: failed to generate expression
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(98:2): error: unknown identifier 'portb'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(98:2): error: invalid operand 'portb'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(98:7): error: failed to generate expression
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(99:2): error: unknown identifier 'portc'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(99:2): error: invalid operand 'portc'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(99:7): error: failed to generate expression
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(100:2): error: unknown identifier 'trisa'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(100:2): error: invalid operand 'trisa'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(100:7): error: failed to generate expression
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(101:2): error: unknown identifier 'trisb'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(101:2): error: invalid operand 'trisb'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(101:7): error: failed to generate expression
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(102:2): error: unknown identifier 'trisc'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(102:2): error: invalid operand 'trisc'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(102:7): error: failed to generate expression
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(103:2): error: unknown identifier 'adcon0'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(103:2): error: invalid operand 'adcon0'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(103:8): error: failed to generate expression
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(104:2): error: unknown identifier 'adcon1'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(104:2): error: invalid operand 'adcon1'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(104:8): error: failed to generate expression
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(109:2): error: unknown identifier 'trisa'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(109:2): error: invalid operand 'trisa'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(109:8): error: failed to generate expression
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(111:2): error: unknown identifier 'porta'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(111:2): error: invalid operand 'porta'
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(111:8): error: failed to generate expression
E:\TESTING-CODE\flowkit-testing-08-09\16f1933-testing.c(111:2): error: error in the body of 'if' expression
16f1933-testing.c success


Return code = 1

Flowcode was unable to compile the flowchart's C code due to the following errors:

If your flowchart contains C code, please review this carefully. If your flowchart contains no C-code or you have thoroughly reviewed the code, contact Technical Support.

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Re: Unable to compile

Post by medelec35 »

Hello keshav@solus.in
The 16F19XX can only be compiled with Flowcode V4 using Hitec compiler and not the default BoostC compiler.
See: http://www.matrixmultimedia.com/mmforum ... =26&t=6812

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Re: Unable to compile

Post by keshav@solus.in »


presently i am using PIC 16F1933 micro controller ,

I have following query about flow code programming for 16F1933 pic micro controller,

1)Register configuration is necessary for RS232 communication for PIC16F1933 micro controller,

2) for 16F1933 pic micro controller compiler is HI TECH-C compiler but not with default Boost c compiler,
any other setting is there for HITECHC compiler and 16F1933 microcontroller in flowcode program,

3) i written flowcode program to send and receive char using UART,
PIC16F1933 development board is sending character but it is not receiving ,

4)same program working fine with 18F8722 PIC micro controller,

5) for your kind reference i have attached flowcode program,

6)why pic 16f1933 is not compiling using default boostc compiler

regarding this issue yesterday i posted in your forum but no one be respond,
String RECEIVE.fcf
(8 KiB) Downloaded 704 times

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Re: Unable to compile

Post by Benj »

Hello Keshav,

We are not replying to you because you are asking Flowcode v4 questions in a non Flowcode v4 topic. Please post your questions in the appropriate place and they will be answered.

The device you are using is very new and as such is not part of BoostC at the moment.

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Re: Unable to compile

Post by modulator »

I have encountered a simmilar problem with compilation
"preprocessing error return code 1".So I checked the topic referenced in the 2010 topic and moved the file to another folder in Windows 7 without any change.
I also also get a message "Unable to open include file:math.h.
In fact my entire flowchart is a C-code icon between the Start/End icons to try out a fairly lengthy calculation.
Since seeing the second message I searched the Boostc folder for the include file math.h and was unable to find it.
I bought the Flowcode Prof. disc some 5 years or more ago

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