Electronic Workstation v.1.0 - drivers & softs

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Electronic Workstation v.1.0 - drivers & softs

Post by Zamphy »

I´m trying to install the three main core Matrix Workstation´s (version 1.0 - 2010) applications, namely the Peak Oscillocope, USBee Analyser and USBee Generator, in a Win XP SP3 desktop and in a Win 8.1 notebook. With the softwares and drivers supplied from the original CD I´ve got the following results:

Win XP:
oscilloscope – NO – (loads and freezes)
analyser – OK
generator – OK

Win 8.1:
Oscilloscope – OK
Analyser – NO – (didn´t load and with Error: Runtime Error “380” – Invalid Property Value)
Generator– NO – (didn´t load and with Error: Runtime Error “380” – Invalid Property Value)

I´d like some clue to get round these ocurrences in a way to put the Workstation working with the two systems. Thanks all in advance.

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Re: Electronic Workstation v.1.0 - drivers & softs

Post by medelec35 »

Hi Zamphy,
The latest drivers for the test pod (USBee sx Test Pod)
can be downloaded from selecting USBee SX Downloads on this link
The drivers are within

Code: Select all

USBee SX Digital Test Pod Software (32-bit)
USBee SX Digital Test Pod Software (64-bit)
I have got the USBee Analyser and USBee Generator and it works on both 64 Win7 and 64 Win 10
The USBee Suit is great to run as it allows you to select the exact timing period and to set up what type of protocol to analyze:
USBee I2C data setup win10.png
(44.9 KiB) Downloaded 17378 times
So you can see the data:
USBee I2C data win10.png
(122.75 KiB) Downloaded 17378 times

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Re: Electronic Workstation v.1.0 - drivers & softs

Post by Zamphy »

I´ve downloaded the latest drivers to my Win 8.1 notebook, so I got the 4 softwares running individually (Pico6 oscilloscope, DX generator, DX Analyser and USBee Suite).
Good (very). But I´m still having an error during the original Workstations´s driver included with the installation CD. The system recognized it as a “unknown device”
(see images 1, 2 and 3).
Where could I get the correct driver ? Thanks for all.
WS driver error 1.png
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WS driver error 2.png
(54.91 KiB) Downloaded 10767 times
WS driver error 3.png
(48.42 KiB) Downloaded 10767 times

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Re: Electronic Workstation v.1.0 - drivers & softs

Post by DavidA »


Have you tried disabling driver signing enforcement and installing the drivers?

http://www.matrixtsl.com/faq/index.php? ... artlang=en

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Re: Electronic Workstation v.1.0 - drivers & softs

Post by Zamphy »

Hi DavidA. I´ve followed your useful instructions to disable drivers signature on Win8.1, but the Workstation is still considered a “Unknown Device” after CD driver´s installation. The message (*) says that: “The file´s hash is not present at the specified catalogue. Probably the file is corrupted or was violated ”. Could be a problem with the driver itself on the CD ?
WS driver error 4.png
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Re: Electronic Workstation v.1.0 - drivers & softs

Post by Benj »


These are the drivers required by the PC interface component in the workstation. These drivers are signed so should work as is but let us know how you get on.
(1.14 MiB) Downloaded 1005 times
(1.14 MiB) Downloaded 1003 times
The workstation contains a USB hub and so the hub might potentially be having a problem. Have you tried connecting to different USB sockets on your computer?

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Re: Electronic Workstation v.1.0 - drivers & softs

Post by Zamphy »

Workstation is almost, almost there. Installed posted new drivers which now were recognized by the system (image “WS 01”). For the final tests I´ve runned “test_routine.exe” to check the PC Interface (internal ECIO28) and got image “WS 02”. Both waveforms looks the same, though square waves at Digital 0 channels seems to me a little run over. Checking Pico6´s operation with the same test routine at D-type connector pin 1, probe (real hardware) at X1 position, and the same settings of the text, I got the fastest waveform like image “WS 03”. The frequency appears very different and there are glitches. What could be wrong now ?
WS almost there 1.png
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WS almost there 02.png
(593.15 KiB) Downloaded 10087 times
WS almost there 03.png
(258.25 KiB) Downloaded 10087 times

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Re: Electronic Workstation v.1.0 - drivers & softs

Post by Benj »


The output of the PC interface is driven from your PC. If your PC is busy doing something else or maybe a bit low on power then the timing glitches you are seeing are to be expected. It's basically Windows jumping in and out of the application to try and do everything at once. However if your PC is not busy and is a good specification then maybe something else is going wrong? You can use task manager (Control + Shift + Escape) to monitor the real time performance of your PC.

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Re: Electronic Workstation v.1.0 - drivers & softs

Post by Zamphy »

Hello again. Far from the WorkStation for a few days due my job. My notebook configuration is just normal – Win 8.1, AMD C-70 APU, 4GB Ram. I use it with full battery capacity (main plugged), and no others peripherals attached to the USB input except the WS. Last post glitches appeared, but in a new run I´ve set the Time Base from
200 ms/div to 100 ms/div and they disappeared (see image). The resource monitor could display a CPU´s use of about 50%. I don´t know whether is a good figure or not for this application.
From now I´ll try to use WS as it as. Need to explore it more. It is a very interesting equipment.
Could someone point me out where to download these same WS´s drivers, now for the Windows XP ? Thanks a lot.
WS few days.png
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