Break points not executed in Interrupt Routine Macro's

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Break points not executed in Interrupt Routine Macro's

Post by QMESAR »

Hi Team.

When a break point is placed inside a macro that is called in a Interrupt the Break point is not recognized by FC or The ICD
In a PIC18 this issue is not seen and works correctly.(from the scope print you will notice that the Interrupt macro is executed as a pin is toggled in this macro, in FC the break point on the Output icon is never executed.
Also in simulation without ICD the code never jumps into the Interrupt called macro .
My question now is is this intentional and how it should work on PIC32 or are we still having a bug or even I might be the bug .
Please help me understand with ICD/Flowkit if break points should be working in Interrupt macro's or not.
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