EB006 or the new MK2 multiprogrammer

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EB006 or the new MK2 multiprogrammer

Post by crispin12 »

Looking at purchasing one of the multiprogrammers but not sure on the old or the new. I realise a quick answer would be go for the latest but I need immediate access to the peripheral EBlocks like RS485, LCD, ADC pot control, temp/humidity etc.
Need something that works out the box with minimum fuss for Ghost ICD . Looks like I can get access to all the Eblocks using the upstream downstream converter boards if I go for the MK2 programmer. Does the MK2 support more PIC devices? Apart from getting something that is bug free (hardware wise) I want it to be good enough to be a test work bench for the future. Why is Matrix still offering the EB006 if the new MK 2 doesn't entirely replace it? Is there something the EB006 can do that the MK 2 doesn't? That's where I'm not sure. The EB006 is cheaper so I save a bit of cash there if I went down that route. Currently not clear on the pros and cons of each so if anyone has some input to make I'm all ears.

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Re: EB006 or the new MK2 multiprogrammer

Post by Benj »

Does the MK2 support more PIC devices?
Yes the MK2 supports the 16F18877 device and we can add more of these newer devices upon request. The MK1 does not support these newer devices and comes with a 16F1937.

Also EB2 supports faster ICT sampling.
Why is Matrix still offering the EB006 if the new MK 2 doesn't entirely replace it?
We have stock to get rid of :D Mainly to ensure we didn't run out of boards for orders we always sure there is a healthy amount of stock. Now we are well into EB2 production we are selling the remains of the EB1 stock and will not re-stock when it runs out.
Is there something the EB006 can do that the MK 2 doesn't?
The EB006 can target more chip types, e.g. the 8-pin / 14-pin and 20-pin devices. Though not well, the I/O doesn't appear on the port connectors in the right place. This is why we ditched these on the EB2 version.

Hope this helps.

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