MRF24J40MA 2.4 Ghz radio module

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MRF24J40MA 2.4 Ghz radio module

Post by TedO »

Is there any chance that a component feature could be supplied in Flowcode V6 for the Microchip MRF24J40MA radio module?


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Re: MRF24J40MA 2.4 Ghz radio module

Post by TedO »

The fact that there is not even one reply from anybody at Matrix just shows their willingness to keep Flowcode V6 up to date and current with modern components!!
Many of the components supplied with the software it seems are outdated and have been dragged along every version right from the beginning of Flowcode.
Not everybody has the knowledge and the electronic experience to create the components in Flowcode themselves, so it is such a pity that they are not interested in helping the current subscribers of the software but also making their software package more attractive to potential buyers. :( :(
Just a reply would have been nice rather than the cold shoulder!

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Re: MRF24J40MA 2.4 Ghz radio module

Post by LeighM »

Sorry you didn't get a reply. We usually have a quick think and decide if a suggestion can be implemented with not too much effort.
This one is going to take some more thinking about :)
We're a small team with a growing workload, and backlog of ideas, but we certainly give them all some thought.
Thanks for your suggestion.

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