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switches will not activate when clicked

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 4:46 pm
by lchj
I apologize for asking what is probably a really basic question. I have just started using flowcode 6 and started the matrix tutorial on "introduction to microcontrollers." For one of the simple introduction programs there is an array of switches connected to a bank of LED's via the MC. However when I try and activate a switch with my mouse on the system panel nothing happens either to the switch graphic nor LED response. What am I doing wrong? Apologies again for the basic nature of my question.

Re: switches will not activate when clicked

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 5:55 pm
by Benj

You need the simulation to be running for your mouse clicks to be detected by the switch component, when the simulation is stopped you can re-position the component on the panel or scale it.

It could be you don't have a loop in your program so when you click the run button the program ends before it really starts. If this is the case then you can add a while loop to your program and this will allow the program to keep running allowing you to press the switch.