Valued Contributors

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Matrix Staff
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Valued Contributors

Post by Steve »

Over the last 12 months, we have seen a very welcome development on the forum – certain forum members have started to help others by answering posts and contributing articles. In recognition of this contribution to our online community we have created a special group – "Valued Contributor".

To show our appreciation, Valued Contributors receive privileged technical support for their issues as well as the occasional freebie. You do not need to be a technical expert to join this select group – helping solve simple electronics issues or questions from first-time Flowcode users is just as valuable as answering complex C programming problems.

If you regularly provide answers to other people’s problems on the forum, then we’ll probably notice your contribution and offer you the chance to join. However, if we don’t notice you and you feel you deserve to become a Valued Contributor, please contact a Matrix staff member via private message (PM) on the forum explaining why you think you qualify.

On a related note, we have recently added a facility for users to "thank" other users for their contributions on the forum. If someone has helped you solve a problem, then please show your appreciation by thanking them (click the “thumb’s-up” icon on the post). Don’t feel you have to thank Matrix staff members – it’s our job! But I encourage you to thank the other forum users who go out of their way to help.

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