Component: TCPIP (EB023 v1) (E-blocks 1)
Author | Matrix TSL |
Version | 2.0 (Release) |
Category | E-blocks 1 |
- 1 TCPIP (EB023 v1) component
- 2 Examples
- 3 Downloadable macro reference
- 3.1 TxSendMyIP
- 3.2 RxMatchMyIP
- 3.3 RxMatch_4_Bytes
- 3.4 SetMyIP
- 3.5 TxSendString
- 3.6 RxReadHeader
- 3.7 RxSkipBytes
- 3.8 CreateIPSocket
- 3.9 SetDestination
- 3.10 TxStart
- 3.11 RxReadByte
- 3.12 CreateUDPSocket
- 3.13 RxMatch_6_Bytes
- 3.14 RxMatch_2_Bytes
- 3.15 TxEnd
- 3.16 RxReadString
- 3.17 CreateTCPSocket
- 3.18 RxDataAvailable
- 3.19 TxSendByte
- 3.20 TCPListen
- 3.21 RxFlushData
- 3.22 TCPConnect
- 3.23 RxMatchMyMAC
- 3.24 RxDataSize
- 3.25 CreateMACSocket
- 3.26 TxSendMyMAC
- 3.27 TCPClose
- 3.28 GetSocketStatus
- 3.29 Initialise
- 4 Simulation macro reference
- 4.1 InitialiseSim
- 4.2 TxSendString_Sim
- 4.3 RxReadHeader_Sim
- 4.4 RxMatch_6_Bytes_Sim
- 4.5 TxStart_Sim
- 4.6 TCPClose_Sim
- 4.7 RxDataAvailable_Sim
- 4.8 SetDestination_Sim
- 4.9 TxSendMyMAC_Sim
- 4.10 RxSkipBytes_Sim
- 4.11 CreateIPSocket_Sim
- 4.12 TxSendMyIP_Sim
- 4.13 CreateTCPSocket_Sim
- 4.14 GetSocketStatus_Sim
- 4.15 TxEnd_Sim
- 4.16 RxReadString_Sim
- 4.17 RxMatchMyIP_Sim
- 4.18 CreateMACSocket_Sim
- 4.19 TCPListen_Sim
- 4.20 TCPConnect_Sim
- 4.21 TxSendByte_Sim
- 4.22 RxReadByte_Sim
- 4.23 RxFlushData_Sim
- 4.24 CreateUDPSocket_Sim
- 4.25 RxMatch_4_Bytes_Sim
- 4.26 RxDataSize_Sim
- 4.27 RxMatch_2_Bytes_Sim
- 4.28 RxMatchMyMAC_Sim
- 5 Property reference
TCPIP (EB023 v1) component
TCP/IP component designed to work with the WIZ3100 range of modules from Wiznet. Also available in the form of the version 1 EB023 E-block which uses the NM7010A module.
No additional examples
Downloadable macro reference
This macro fills the specified channel's transmit buffer with 4 bytes of data representing this Internet E-Block's IP address as specified in the component's property page.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
Return value
- This call does not return a value
This macro returns a non-zero value when the next 4 bytes of data in the specified channel's reception buffer are the same as the Internet E-block's IP address.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
Return value
This macro returns a non-zero value when the next 4 bytes of data in the specified channel's reception buffer are the same as those passed as parameters. There are similar functions that check for 2 bytes and 6 bytes.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
- BYTE Byte1
- Specifies the value of the first byte
- BYTE Byte2
- Specifies the value of the second byte
- BYTE Byte3
- Specifies the value of the third byte
- BYTE Byte4
- Specifies the value of the fourth byte
Return value
This macro sets up the Internet E-Block's own IP address. In most circumstances, this macro will not be required as the IP address setting in the component property page will remain constant throughout your application.
- First Byte of IP address
- Second Byte of IP address
- Third Byte of IP address
- Fourth Byte of IP address
Return value
- This call does not return a value
This macro fills the specified channel's transmit buffer with data. It can fill the buffer with a string of information.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
- <- STRING Data
- Data byte to append to Tx buffer.
- This parameter may be returned back to the caller
- BYTE Length
Return value
- This call does not return a value
Once data in a particular channel has been received, the header will be filled with information about the received data. This macro will return the information in the header. The idx parameter specifies which byte of information in the header to read
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
- BYTE Idx
- Specifies the byte index to return
Return value
Often when receiving data packets, it may be necessary to ignore large sections of the data. This can be achieved by reading each byte individually (and ignoring the returned data), but a better way is to use this Rx_skipbytes macro.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
- BYTE Count
- Specifies how many bytes to skip
Return value
- This call does not return a value
Note that sockets on up to 4 channels can be simultaneously opened and these channels are numbered 0 to 3. Note that sockets with different modes can be opened on different channels.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
- BYTE Protocol
- Specifies which IP protocol to use
- BYTE Broadcast
- Allows broadcast type packets to be sent and received
Return value
This is used in IP and UDP modes to set the destination of the intended data transfer. The destination IP address needs to be set for both IP and UDP modes.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
- BYTE Dst_IP0
- Specifies the first byte of an IP address
- BYTE Dst_IP1
- Specifies the second byte of an IP address
- BYTE Dst_IP2
- Specifies the third byte of an IP address
- BYTE Dst_IP3
- Specifies the fourth byte of an IP address
- BYTE Dst_Port_Hi
- Port High Byte
- BYTE Dst_Port_Lo
- Port Low Byte
Return value
This macro indicates the start of data transmission for the specified buffer. In TCP mode, data transmission can only begin once the socket has become established. In other modes, data transmission can occur as soon as the socket has been opened.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
Return value
- This call does not return a value
A call to this macro will return a byte of data in the reception buffer of the specified channel. It will also internally increment a pointer to that data so that the next call to 'Rx_readbyte' (or any other read function) will read the next byte
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
Return value
This macro creates a socket for sending and receiving UDP data.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
- BYTE Src_Port_Hi
- Port High Byte
- BYTE Src_Port_Lo
- Port Low Byte
Return value
This macro returns a non-zero value when the next 6 bytes of data in the specified channel's reception buffer are the same as those passed as parameters. There are similar functions that check for 2 bytes and 4 bytes.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
- BYTE Byte1
- Specifies the value of the first byte
- BYTE Byte2
- Specifies the value of the second byte
- BYTE Byte3
- Specifies the value of the third byte
- BYTE Byte4
- Specifies the value of the fourth byte
- BYTE Byte5
- Specifies the value of the fifth byte
- BYTE Byte6
- Specifies the value of the sixth byte
Return value
This macro returns a non-zero value when the next 2 bytes of data in the specified channel's reception buffer are the same as those passed as parameters. There are similar functions that check for 4 bytes and 6 bytes.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
- BYTE Byte1
- Specifies the value of the first byte
- BYTE Byte2
- Specifies the value of the second byte
Return value
Once the transmit buffer has been filled with data, call this macro to actually send the data.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
Return value
- This call does not return a value
A call to this macro will return a string of data in the reception buffer of the specified channel. It will also internally increment a pointer to that data so that the next call to 'Rx_readbyte' (or any other read function) will read the next byte
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
- BYTE Length
Return value
This macro creates a socket for sending and receiving TCP data.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
- BYTE Src_Port_Hi
- Port High Byte
- BYTE Src_Port_Lo
- Port Low Byte
Return value
This macro is used to check whether or not data has been received by the Internet E-Block. A return value of zero indicated that no data has been received. A positive return value indicates that data is available.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
Return value
This macro fills the specified channel's transmit buffer with data. It can fill the buffer with a single byte of data, or with a string of information.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
- BYTE Data
- Data byte to append to Tx buffer.
Return value
- This call does not return a value
This macro puts a previously opened TCP channel in "passive open" mode. This is the required mode when writing a TCP server application (e.g. a web server to display HTML web pages).
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
Return value
- This call does not return a value
Once data reception has been completed, this macro should be called to discard the data packet and allow other data packets to be read.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
Return value
- This call does not return a value
This macro puts a previously opened TCP channel in "active open" mode. This is the required mode when writing a TCP client application (e.g. using SMTP to send an email).
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
- BYTE Dst_IP0
- First Byte of IP address
- BYTE Dst_IP1
- Second Byte of IP address
- BYTE Dst_IP2
- Third Byte of IP address
- BYTE Dst_IP3
- Fourth Byte of IP address
- BYTE Dst_Port_Hi
- High Byte of destination port
- BYTE Dst_Port_Lo
- Low Byte of destination port
Return value
This macro returns a non-zero value when the next 6 bytes of data in the specified channel's reception buffer are the same as the Internet E-block's MAC address entered in the component's property page.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
Return value
This macro is used to detect the size of data collected by the Rx_data_available macro.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
Return value
This macro creates a socket for sending and receiving Ethernet data using raw data.
- BYTE Promiscuous
- Receive everything (1) or just data bound for your MAC (0)
- BYTE Broadcast
- Allows broadcast messages to be accepted (1) or rejected (0)
- BYTE Error
- Allowsmessages with errors to be accepted (1) or rejected (0)
Return value
This macro fills the specified channel's transmit buffer with 6 bytes of data representing this Internet E-Block's MAC address as specified in the component's property page.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
Return value
- This call does not return a value
When an established TCP connection has finished transmission of data, either the local application (i.e. your code) or the remote application (i.e. the application at the other end of the connection) can initiate closure of the socket.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
Return value
- This call does not return a value
This returns the state of the requested channel's socket.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
Return value
Resets and initialises the Internet E-Block. It sets up the gateway address, subnet mask, device IP address and device MAC address as defined in the properties of the Flowcode component. This macro must be called before any other TCP_IP component macros
- This macro has no parameters
Return value
- This call does not return a value
Simulation macro reference
Resets and initialises the Internet E-Block. It sets up the gateway address, subnet mask, device IP address and device MAC address as defined in the properties of the Flowcode component. This macro must be called before any other TCP_IP component macros
- This macro has no parameters
Return value
- This call does not return a value
This macro fills the specified channel's transmit buffer with data. It can fill the buffer with a string of information.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
- Data byte to append to Tx buffer.
- BYTE Length
Return value
- This call does not return a value
A call to this macro will return a byte of data in the reception buffer of the specified channel. It will also internally increment a pointer to that data so that the next call to 'Rx_readbyte' (or any other read function) will read the next byte
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
- BYTE Idx
Return value
This macro returns a non-zero value when the next 6 bytes of data in the specified channel's reception buffer are the same as those passed as parameters. There are similar functions that check for 2 bytes and 4 bytes.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
- BYTE Byte1
- Specifies the value of the first byte
- BYTE Byte2
- Specifies the value of the second byte
- BYTE Byte3
- Specifies the value of the third byte
- BYTE Byte4
- Specifies the value of the fourth byte
- BYTE Byte5
- Specifies the value of the fifth byte
- BYTE Byte6
- Specifies the value of the sixth byte
Return value
This macro indicates the start of data transmission for the specified buffer. In TCP mode, data transmission can only begin once the socket has become established. In other modes, data transmission can occur as soon as the socket has been opened.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
Return value
- This call does not return a value
When an established TCP connection has finished transmission of data, either the local application (i.e. your code) or the remote application (i.e. the application at the other end of the connection) can initiate closure of the socket.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
Return value
- This call does not return a value
This macro is used to check whether or not data has been received by the Internet E-Block. A return value of zero indicated that no data has been received. A positive return value indicates that data is available.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
Return value
This is used in IP and UDP modes to set the destination of the intended data transfer. The destination IP address needs to be set for both IP and UDP modes.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
- BYTE Dst_IP0
- Specifies the first byte of an IP address
- BYTE Dst_IP1
- Specifies the second byte of an IP address
- BYTE Dst_IP2
- Specifies the third byte of an IP address
- BYTE Dst_IP3
- Specifies the fourth byte of an IP address
- BYTE Dst_Port_Hi
- Port High Byte
- BYTE Dst_Port_Lo
- Port Low Byte
Return value
- This call does not return a value
This macro fills the specified channel's transmit buffer with 6 bytes of data representing this Internet E-Block's MAC address as specified in the component's property page.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
Return value
- This call does not return a value
Often when receiving data packets, it may be necessary to ignore large sections of the data. This can be achieved by reading each byte individually (and ignoring the returned data), but a better way is to use this Rx_skipbytes macro.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
- BYTE Count
- Specifies how many bytes to skip
Return value
- This call does not return a value
Note that sockets on up to 4 channels can be simultaneously opened and these channels are numbered 0 to 3. Note that sockets with different modes can be opened on different channels.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
- BYTE Protocol
- Specifies which IP protocol to use
- BYTE Broadcast
- Allows broadcast type packets to be sent and received
Return value
This macro fills the specified channel's transmit buffer with 4 bytes of data representing this Internet E-Block's IP address as specified in the component's property page.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
Return value
- This call does not return a value
This macro creates a socket for sending and receiving TCP data.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
- BYTE Src_Port_Hi
- Port High Byte
- BYTE Src_Port_Lo
- Port Low Byte
Return value
This returns the state of the requested channel's socket.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
Return value
Once the transmit buffer has been filled with data, call this macro to actually send the data.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
Return value
- This call does not return a value
A call to this macro will return a string of data in the reception buffer of the specified channel. It will also internally increment a pointer to that data so that the next call to 'Rx_readbyte' (or any other read function) will read the next byte
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
- BYTE Length
Return value
This macro returns a non-zero value when the next 4 bytes of data in the specified channel's reception buffer are the same as the Internet E-block's IP address.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
Return value
This macro creates a socket for sending and receiving Ethernet data using raw data.
- BYTE Promiscuous
- Receive everything (1) or just data bound for your MAC (0)
- BYTE Broadcast
- Allows broadcast messages to be accepted (1) or rejected (0)
- BYTE Error
- Allowsmessages with errors to be accepted (1) or rejected (0)
Return value
This macro puts a previously opened TCP channel in "passive open" mode. This is the required mode when writing a TCP server application (e.g. a web server to display HTML web pages).
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
Return value
- This call does not return a value
This macro puts a previously opened TCP channel in "active open" mode. This is the required mode when writing a TCP client application (e.g. using SMTP to send an email).
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
- BYTE Dst_IP0
- First Byte of IP address
- BYTE Dst_IP1
- Second Byte of IP address
- BYTE Dst_IP2
- Third Byte of IP address
- BYTE Dst_IP3
- Fourth Byte of IP address
- BYTE Dst_Port_Hi
- High Byte of destination port
- BYTE Dst_Port_Lo
- Low Byte of destination port
Return value
This macro fills the specified channel's transmit buffer with data. It can fill the buffer with a single byte of data, or with a string of information.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
- BYTE Data
- Data byte to append to Tx buffer.
Return value
- This call does not return a value
A call to this macro will return a byte of data in the reception buffer of the specified channel. It will also internally increment a pointer to that data so that the next call to 'Rx_readbyte' (or any other read function) will read the next byte
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
Return value
Once data reception has been completed, this macro should be called to discard the data packet and allow other data packets to be read.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
Return value
- This call does not return a value
This macro creates a socket for sending and receiving UDP data.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
- BYTE Src_Port_Hi
- Port High Byte
- BYTE Src_Port_Lo
- Port Low Byte
Return value
This macro returns a non-zero value when the next 4 bytes of data in the specified channel's reception buffer are the same as those passed as parameters. There are similar functions that check for 2 bytes and 6 bytes.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
- BYTE Byte1
- Specifies the value of the first byte
- BYTE Byte2
- Specifies the value of the second byte
- BYTE Byte3
- Specifies the value of the third byte
- BYTE Byte4
- Specifies the value of the fourth byte
Return value
This macro is used to detect the size of data collected by the Rx_data_available macro.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
Return value
This macro returns a non-zero value when the next 2 bytes of data in the specified channel's reception buffer are the same as those passed as parameters. There are similar functions that check for 4 bytes and 6 bytes.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
- BYTE Byte1
- Specifies the value of the first byte
- BYTE Byte2
- Specifies the value of the second byte
Return value
This macro returns a non-zero value when the next 4 bytes of data in the specified channel's reception buffer are the same as the Internet E-block's IP address.
- BYTE Channel
- Specifies the communications channel 0-3
Return value
Property reference
This property is of type Line of text and can be referenced with the variable name label.
No additional information
Max Channels
This property is of type Signed integer and can be referenced with the variable name max_channels.
No additional information
I2C Address
This property is of type Signed integer and can be referenced with the variable name I2C_Addr.
No additional information
Network Interface
This property is of type Fixed list of ints and can be referenced with the variable name interface.
No additional information
This property is of type Line of text and can be referenced with the variable name sim_ip.
No additional information
This property is of type Fixed list of ints and can be referenced with the variable name cal_i2c::CHANNEL.
Channel selection
Baud Select
This property is of type Fixed list of ints and can be referenced with the variable name cal_i2c::BAUD_LIST.
Baud rate option selector
Baud Rate
This property is of type Signed integer and can be referenced with the variable name cal_i2c::BAUD.
Baud rate to be used
Stop Delay
This property is of type True or false and can be referenced with the variable name cal_i2c::StopDel.
On older microcontroller devices there is a potential for the I2C hardware channel to lock up if there is not
a 10ms delay between an I2C stop event and the next I2C start event.
Most modern microcontrollers will not have a problem so this property can be disabled to speed up the
I2C communications.
This property is of type Single digital pin and can be referenced with the variable name cal_i2c::SDA.
Pin used for SDA (data signal)
This property is of type Single digital pin and can be referenced with the variable name cal_i2c::SCL.
Pin used for SCL (clock signal)
Int Pin
This property is of type Single digital pin and can be referenced with the variable name int_pin.
No additional information
This property is of type Signed integer and can be referenced with the variable name gateway0.
No additional information
This property is of type Signed integer and can be referenced with the variable name gateway1.
No additional information
This property is of type Signed integer and can be referenced with the variable name gateway2.
No additional information
This property is of type Signed integer and can be referenced with the variable name gateway3.
No additional information
This property is of type Signed integer and can be referenced with the variable name subnet0.
No additional information
This property is of type Signed integer and can be referenced with the variable name subnet1.
No additional information
This property is of type Signed integer and can be referenced with the variable name subnet2.
No additional information
This property is of type Signed integer and can be referenced with the variable name subnet3.
No additional information
This property is of type Signed integer and can be referenced with the variable name ip0.
No additional information
This property is of type Signed integer and can be referenced with the variable name ip1.
No additional information
This property is of type Signed integer and can be referenced with the variable name ip2.
No additional information
This property is of type Signed integer and can be referenced with the variable name ip3.
No additional information
This property is of type Signed integer and can be referenced with the variable name mac0.
No additional information
This property is of type Signed integer and can be referenced with the variable name mac1.
No additional information
This property is of type Signed integer and can be referenced with the variable name mac2.
No additional information
This property is of type Signed integer and can be referenced with the variable name mac3.
No additional information
This property is of type Signed integer and can be referenced with the variable name mac4.
No additional information
This property is of type Signed integer and can be referenced with the variable name mac5.
No additional information