With reference to your chart that is gathering sensor data.
It was quite a while back that I last used the ESP8266 and I think I used "AT" commands rather than the component, so I'm not 100% on it's use.
However I notice you are trying to send the string variable dataSEN with a length of 20 characters. This variable has not been initialised so could possibly be anything. Initialise it with 2 x double quotation marks (""). Also you don't actually assign
any value to it at all anywhere in your chart.
I assume you want this to represent all the sensor data you gathered, which is x/y/z from accelerometer and your oximeter data. The accelerometer data is an integer number between -32768 and +32767 for each axis and each of your oximeter variables are between 0 and 65535
I also assume that as Excel DS is the target you will be sending as CSV.
Therefore you must assign your string enough characters to hold everything. Each axis
could hold six characters and each oximeter reading could hold five characters to say nothing of commas and any other info that is required. Therefore you will need to increase the string length from 20 to something more appropriate. As the data and commas could be 32 characters in length plus any control characters that may need to be included, 36 would be a minimum if you were to send everything in a single string.
Next, you need to create the string to send and for that you need to do some calculations to turn your sensor data into strings. Personally, until I get things working I like to see every calculation to ensure everything is OK and then perhaps shorten.
Create five new String variables, perhaps call them x,y,z,hr and ox and remember to initialise ("").
After you have collected all your sensor readings insert a calculation icon. Here we will convert you numeric values to strings
To do that you use the ToStrings() calculation so to convert the xaxis data to a string you would have x=ToString$(xaxis)
Do that for all your sensor data
Next you need to concatenate them with a comma between each value. Lets assume x= 1234 and y= 5678
In another calculation box clear your dataSEN with dataSEN = "" this is to ensure any previous values held are gone.
Then to build your string you would have
dataSEN = dataSEN+x which adds string x to dataSEN. Now dataSEN = "1234"
Now you need to insert your comma so dataSEN = dataSEN+"," and this now makes dataSEN= "1234,"
Now add y so that we now have dataSEN= "1234,5678"
Add in another comma and continue until you have entered all your values. No need for a comma after your last reading is entered.
Now you will have a string of comma separated values, for example:-
dataSEN = "1234,5678,9012,12345,54321"
dataSEN could now be sent using the ClientSendRequest or SendString commands depending on how things need to be done.
As mentioned I'm not 100% on using the 8266 especially attempting to create a datalink between them, and you may need to create sockets. Have a look at the WiKi examples
https://www.flowcode.co.uk/wiki/index.p ... etworking)
Let us know how you get on.
I'll try and have a look at the ESP8266's over the next few days.
Forgot to say that after you add your last data value do a further calculation to add "\r\n" to give (as per example)
dataSEN = "1234,5678,9012,12345,54321\r\n"