I2C PIC18F47K40

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I2C PIC18F47K40

Post by howard123 »

Morning all

Needing a larger memory, I have upgraded to a PIC18F47K40 device and found that the I2C is not working as it had done before. The program stops when it encounters a I2C command when using hardware channel 2 (SCL at D:0 and SDA at D:1). The device works correctly when using the software channel.

I have seen on the FC8 forum a discussion between Leigh and Martin, some three years ago, in which it appears this has been resolved. Would it be possible to get a similar fix for this for FC7.

Thanks Howard

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Re: I2C PIC18F47K40

Post by medelec35 »

Hi Howard.
As v7 is no longer supported, I have attached the I2C.cal from v8 for you to try at your risk in V7
You will need to close Flowocode.
Then make a backup copy of your current I2C.cal file found within:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode 7\CAL\PIC
Then you can replace it with the attached file.
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Re: I2C PIC18F47K40

Post by howard123 »

Many thanks Martin I will give it a try.

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