additional components + software

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additional components + software

Post by Jordy101091 »

Hi all,

Today I came up with an Idea that I think will make flowcode more interesting,
Maybe it is a possibility to support different Graphic LCD controllers such as:


It is an idea to integrate this controller chip into flowcode so user can simply drag the Glcd component into there flowcode and select which type they want to use. For me the KS0108 and T6963C are very interesting.
Secondly I have some Ideas for additional software to create graphic layouts for these Graphics LCDs, you can take a look so you can see what Im trying to see. This would be really awesome.

Maybe you can integrate this into Flowcode version 6 ore something.

Let me know what you think of this.

Regards Jordy
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Re: additional components + software

Post by Enamul »

Hi Jordy

That's a great idea..I will love to see those enabled in FCv6
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Re: additional components + software

Post by Benj »


I can confirm that Flowcode v6 will allow this kind of functionality :D

We will have a raw gLCD component which handles all the simulations side of things and provides blank functions that you can put your code into.

You can then build up a new component using the gLCD as a base layer and this will allow you to create components for as many gLCD controllers as you like.

v6 is still very much a work in progress but what we have so far is very exciting.

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Re: additional components + software

Post by Jordy101091 »

This is great news ben,

Hope there will be another contest so I can win version 6 aswell :P

anyway thanks for your reply
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Re: additional components + software

Post by hyperion007 »

I would like to see the following components in FCv6:

Apple remote control (in addition to the existing RC5 component)
Adafruit 16x2 OLED
Bluegiga bluetooth modules with their iWRAP5 software.
Also a couple of popular LED driver chips like TLC5940 etc.

I would also like to see a software tool for building menus for LCD and gLCD displays if possible. I am struggling to get my menus to work correctly but maybe it's just me :)

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