usb engineer required

For anyone wishing to receive additional help with a project or simply looking to hire an embedded contractor we have a few contacts who would be more then willing to help.

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usb engineer required

Post by davidkilshaw »

I have an application where i need to shutdown a PC running windows server 2008 R2 under certain conditions

I will be able to provide a signal i.e. a logic level change signal this then needs to be converterted into a communication that can be interpreted by windows to kick off a controlled shut down.

I am envisaging using the UPS interface driver that is in windows to detect the signal so need someone with experiance in using this type of protocol to initiate the shut down

please contact me if you feel you have the skill sets

We have not chosen any hardware yet so could adapt which PIC micro we use to do the job


Dave Kilshaw

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Re: usb engineer required

Post by 001tech »

Hello Dave,

I could do this for you. The easiest way would be to use a USB device in HID mode to emulate a keyboard. There should then be a combination of keys which will shut down the windows machine. For me on my Win7 machine I press the following keys.

Control + Escape - brings up the start menu
Right cursor - selects the shut down option
Enter - Submits the shut down option

If you can give me a list of key presses then it should be fairly simple for me to automate these to run when an incoming logic signal for example goes high.

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