I have difficulties with the CAN component on PIC18F2585,
as you will see from the prints I put a led loop with 10mSec delays in the IF loop were I check when a message is received ,when I send a message from my PCAN dongle
the buffer return that it has a message and the led blink for 10 mSec as intended ( the message arrives 50 msec ) when I place the same loop in a case selection with the ID as selector after I use the getRxIDsimple or RxID( both standard and Extended has the same effect) the Led will not blink as it seems the getRxID macro/component does not return or return incorrect ID,

Would it be possible to have a look at this I know the hardware is working as I did a test SW in MPLABX which function correctly
In FC I tested the Tx function and that is working it seems only the RX has a problem
Thank you very much