Using ASM4PICS with Windows 10

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Using ASM4PICS with Windows 10

Post by emersok »

We use the assembler for PIC microcontrollers (ASM4PICS) with the Eblocks boards. I recently tried using a Windows 10 laptop. Software loaded and ran OK but the USB cable could not be found. We will be going over to Windows 10 in the next year or so. We therefore need a solution as we wish to continue using the Eblocks and the ASM4PICs course.

Thank you

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Re: Using ASM4PICS with Windows 10

Post by Benj »


The E-blocks are known to work well with Windows 10 so you shouldn't have any problems there. Maybe make sure the USB driver is installed correctly and you can see the device in device manager.

Here is a link to the USB driver.

EB006 v8 and previous + HP488 -
EB006 v9 - ... php?id=744

Let us know how you get on.

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Re: Using ASM4PICS with Windows 10

Post by Steve »

And so you're aware, we are about to release a new version of the Assembly for PICmicros course which has better support for modern browsers and is suitable for our current (EB006v9) E-Blocks boards.

As well as updating the software, we have made hardware improvements too. You might be aware that the EB006 v9 board does not have a slow-mo RC clock option for clocking the chip at a few Hz, which is essential in the initial section of the Assembly course. To overcome this, we have created a small add-on board that attaches to the EB006 v9 and provides this facility.

More information will be available on our website soon, but if you have any questions in the meantime then please get in touch.


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