problems with the PPP-programmer

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problems with the PPP-programmer

Post by peterr »


I try to install Flowcode4 on our PCś in school. If i logged on as an admin, everything is all right. But if i logged on as an standard user (our administrator wants it!!!) i get the following error code. ( Flowcode V4, 50 user education): -1073741515

Does anyone knows help?

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Re: problems with the PPP-programmer

Post by JonnyW »

Hello. That error seems to be a missing component or DLL. Perhaps there is a DLL on the system you can not access unless you are admin, or it maybe PPP.exe specifically?

If it helps in searches, this error code is also Windows code 0xC0000135.

Can you access PPP.exe directly?

Also, looking at your screen-shot, the path for PPP does not like like the correct one. When you log on as admin, you log on with different settings stored in the registry, which may be the correct compiler settings.

Check in Flowcodes compiler settings to ensure you are correctly pointing to the PPP executable, and ensure the settings are the same as in the admin account.



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