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Post by phatali »

Hi, I haven't been on here for a very long time and not sure where to post my question! Sorry if I am in the wrong section of the forum mods!

I have a pic micro dev board v3. Bought it back in 2006 from you Ben and the rest of the team in Halifax!!!
Anyway, my question is... can I program EEProm chips using this board? Will ppp support an external eeprom chip part 93c56?

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Re: EEPROM-93C56

Post by Benj »


I seem to remember you coming in and buying the board. Glad your still using it :D

The dev board itself will not allow stand alone EEPROM devices to be reprogrammed though you could program a microcontroller to do the programming for you.

E.g. connect to a PC via a USB232 E-block or stream the data from a SD card. Take the data in a byte at a time to the microcontroller and then forward on to the EEPROM.

A PICkit is very low cost to purchase and might be able to do it directly but I would double check first.

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Re: EEPROM-93C56

Post by phatali »

Ahh Ben glad you remember! Think we went to the same uni too ;)
Right I see. Well I have no idea how I can go about this especially in C I'm very rusty :(
Could I do this in flowcode?
So basically I would be making my own programmer using a pic, say 16f88. Then I could run it all of my pic dev board.

Suppose easy option would be to buy a eeprom programming kit but there is no fun in that!

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