help with ic dac8760

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help with ic dac8760

Post by RLOPES780 »

I'm trying to use the ic dac8760.
It is a current transmitter and voltage ex (4 to 20 ma, 0 to 5 v) simultaneously.
Your communication is SPI.
From what I understand each write is 24 bits. Since the first bits msb select the registers and the other 16 bits are the registry settings.
Could someone give me a flowchart idea of how I could start doing this?


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Re: help with ic dac8760

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Hi Ricardo

There is a small difference between a SPI with a Chipselect and SPI with a Latch.
The latch is on the end of sending 24 bit. Set the pin to low and later to high to latch all the 24bit.

use a SPI Master.
and an output (a led) rename it to latchdac

init the SPI master
define char1...char3 to the value you need
set latchdac to turn on
Send SPI master char1
Send SPI master char2
Send SPI master char3
set latchdac to turn off
set latchdac to turn on
That's all

Do you have a demoboard from the dac8760 or how can you program it?


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Re: help with ic dac8760

Post by Benj »

Hi Ricardo,

This might be useful for you. ... c-and-spi/

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