RS232 from T to N

Forum for problems or queries regarding Flowcode Comms Components. Eg LIN, I2C, SPI, RS232, CAN, IrDA etc

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RS232 from T to N

Post by armagon29 »

Dear All:

Could you be so kindly to explain me how to change the Serial output, flowcode macro RS232 normally has a true output, but I have a LCD color Display, it works using an inverted output


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Re: RS232 from T to N

Post by Benj »


How about using an inverting buffer chip or a diode to flip the logic?

Other then this you will have to use the bit banged mode and manually edit the C code to produce an inverted output signal.

Seems strange though most UART based devices will work with RS232 signal lines being logic high and the start bits being logic low.

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