API Panel.Position.MoveBy

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<sidebar>API Contents</sidebar> Moves the object by the given offset relative to its parent

Class hierarchy





The position or component to update
The default value for this parameter is: this


Local coordinate X to increment by
The default value for this parameter is: 0


Local coordinate Y to increment by
The default value for this parameter is: 0


Local coordinate Z to increment by
The default value for this parameter is: 0

Return value

This call does not return a value

Detailed description

This moves the position in its own axis by X, Y and Z units. That is, the center of the Handle object is considered to be (0, 0, 0).

It is a simpler version of MoveAlong and a compliment to MoveTo.


Calling in a calculation

  • Add to a calculation icon:
    ::Panel.Position.MoveBy(handle, x, y, z)

Flowcode example file

Download FC6 Icon.png SIMAPI_Panel_Position_MoveBy and open it in Flowcode v6. In this example, there are three cubiods that represent Axis X,Y,Z. Note they are coloured exactly as the panel axis indicator which represents your viewing position. There is a sphere also on the panel.

The MoveBy(h,x,y,z) function moves an object from it's original coordinates by a set value represented as an offset from it's original coordinate. In this example, the sphere's original coordinates are x10,y10,z0. The program loops 4 times, each time it calls the MoveBy function increasing the x & y coordinates by 20. This moves the sphere diagonally. As each loop passes the new coordinates would be as follows:

  1. Original Position = (x10,y10,z0), MoveBy(x20,y20,z0), New position = (x30,y30,z0)
  2. Original Position = (x30,y30,z0), MoveBy(x20,y20,z0), New position = (x50,y50,z0)
  3. Original Position = (x50,y50,z0), MoveBy(x20,y20,z0), New position = (x70,y70,z0)
  4. Original Position = (x70,y70,z0), MoveBy(x20,y20,z0), New position = (x90,y90,z0)

After each loop the program pauses a second to allow you to see the effect of the function.

The screenshots below show the effect and also highlight the code used by the example.

SIMAPI Panel Position MoveBy Pic1.pngSIMAPI Panel Position MoveBy Pic2.pngSIMAPI Panel Position MoveBy Pic3.pngSIMAPI Panel Position MoveBy Pic4.png

SIMAPI Panel Position MoveBy Pic0.png

Moving a panel item

Simple example showing how to detect for collisions between objects on the panel. An object moves back and forth between two fixed objects. Each time the moving object hits a static object it will change it's direction.

FC6 Icon.png Collide