Yes that version should be accurate.
There is even an offset function for if there is a slight difference.
Moderator: Benj
Hi Chad that's great!
Best to bear in mind any company I contact, now take longer to get issues sorted due to the corna virus.
Hi Derrihj,
Code: Select all
.ThermistorCalc = SeriesPullUpResistance * 1.0 / (1023.0 / .ReadThermistorADC * 1.0 - 1.0)
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R2/(R1 + R2)*VDD
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Vout = 10K/(22K + 10K)*5 = 1.56V
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ADC = Vin * 1023 / Vref
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ADC = R2/(R1 + R2)*VDD * 1023/Vref
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ADC = 10K/(22K + 10K)*5*1023/5
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ADC = 10K/(22K + 10K)*1023 = 319.6875
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ADC = R2/(R1 + R2)*1023
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R2 = R1 * ADC/(1023 – ADC)
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R2 = R1/(1023/ADC -1)
Code: Select all
R2 = 22K/(1023/319.6875 – 1)
the thermistor component works differently to the calculations I have given.