What device are you trying to communicate with ?
A datasheet would help.
You probably just have to send the 00h to the device, and a random byte to read what the device is outputting.
Search found 527 matches
- Sun Sep 28, 2014 9:03 pm
- Forum: General Programming
- Topic: SPI
- Replies: 4
- Views: 5869
- Sun May 18, 2014 9:58 pm
- Forum: Forums d'aide en français
- Topic: EBO24 et Tablette
- Replies: 4
- Views: 5334
Re: EBO24 et Tablette
Des que j'ai le temps, je check ton code.
Tu as regardé le/les exemples pour le EB024 ? Si ce n'est pas le cas faudrait que tu les ouvres.
Tu as regardé le/les exemples pour le EB024 ? Si ce n'est pas le cas faudrait que tu les ouvres.
- Sun May 18, 2014 1:07 am
- Forum: Forums d'aide en français
- Topic: EBO24 et Tablette
- Replies: 4
- Views: 5334
Re: EBO24 et Tablette
Je n'ai pas encore eu l'occasion de jouer avec des modules bluetooth, mais a mon avis, ton Nexus devrait détecter le module, si le module est alimenté. Je me demande même si tu dois, mise a part configurer le module, faire autre chose que d'envoyer ou recevoir des données via USART ou SPI ou autre p...
- Tue Mar 25, 2014 5:23 am
- Forum: Flowcode V4
- Topic: CRC-8 checksum calculation
- Replies: 3
- Views: 7994
Re: CRC-8 checksum calculation
// unsigned char rs232_byte, contains value 0x4C from RS232 unsigned long temp = 0; unsigned long poly = 0x107;// 0001 0000 0111 temp = rs232_byte << 8; // adding 8 zeros temp = temp ^ (poly << 7); // XOR 1 temp = temp ^ (poly << 4); // XOR 2 temp = temp ^ (poly << 3); // XOR 3 temp = temp ^ poly; ...
- Fri Mar 21, 2014 8:30 pm
- Forum: General Programming
- Topic: PIC SPI communication questions
- Replies: 12
- Views: 13346
Re: PIC SPI communication questions
Make two byte variables, lets call them MSB and LSB. Add a calculation box somewhere between you getting the value you want to send and the actual sending of the value through SPI. In the calculation box you'll do the following: LSB = Value_To_Send & 0xFF MSB = (Value_To_Send >> 8) & 0xFF Me...
- Fri Mar 21, 2014 6:38 pm
- Forum: General Programming
- Topic: 12f675 20Mhz
- Replies: 2
- Views: 3582
Re: 12f675 20Mhz
Check your project options and set the clock to 20MHz, then go to the PIC config and set it to HS external oscillator.
- Nicolas
- Nicolas
- Fri Mar 21, 2014 6:33 pm
- Forum: General Programming
- Topic: PIC SPI communication questions
- Replies: 12
- Views: 13346
Re: PIC SPI communication questions
The size of your variable is not dependent on the value it is storing. If you use a UINT variable (depending on the compiler) you have a 2 byte wide storage space, so 16 bits wide, which can store a value going from 0 up to ~65000. In binary, you would see the UINT variable as 0000.0000.0000.0000 go...
- Wed Mar 19, 2014 1:32 pm
- Forum: General Programming
- Topic: Help Flowcode anenometer works by pulsion
- Replies: 1
- Views: 3362
Re: Help Flowcode anenometer works by pulsion
There's a French forum on this site where you could ask for help. I'm not sure what your question is. Did you make a program for your anenometer, but you have problems converting the pulses to a wind speed ? We will help you as much as we can, but do not expect us to make your bachelor project for y...
- Mon Mar 03, 2014 10:54 pm
- Forum: General Programming
- Topic: Can you work with WS2812 LEDs in Flowcode v4 AVR
- Replies: 8
- Views: 11376
Re: Can you work with WS2812 LEDs in Flowcode v4 AVR
Not sure what you mean by core program, but don't expect people to just do everything for you, that's not how it works. I'm sorry it didn't help, but maybe you're starting with something too difficult for you to do with the knowledge you have right now about programming AVRs. Start with something ea...
- Thu Feb 27, 2014 4:14 pm
- Forum: General Programming
- Topic: 12 bit linear frequency change
- Replies: 1
- Views: 3105
Re: 12 bit linear frequency change
Doing 45000 / 4096 gives you 11Hz (approx). Calculate the frequency set by the ADC by doing ADC_val * 45000 / 4096. The next thing to do is set the PWM so that the frequency output is the same as the one calculated, but I'm not sure the PWM can output all frequencies, especially the lower ones. Ther...
- Sat Feb 22, 2014 1:05 pm
- Forum: General Programming
- Topic: Can you work with WS2812 LEDs in Flowcode v4 AVR
- Replies: 8
- Views: 11376
Re: Can you work with WS2812 LEDs in Flowcode v4 AVR
NOP is an instruction where the microcontroller does nothing for 1 clock cycle. There's nothing to see in my flowchart but 3 functions written in inline assembly and a C box in my main loop, which contains inline assemble too. You should check out AVR libraries for driving WS2812 LEDs. Get the C cod...
- Sat Feb 15, 2014 6:04 pm
- Forum: General Programming
- Topic: Can you work with WS2812 LEDs in Flowcode v4 AVR
- Replies: 8
- Views: 11376
Re: Can you work with WS2812 LEDs in Flowcode v4 AVR
It all depends on what oscillator your AVR will run. You can always write your own delay functions. I just made a flowcode program using ASM to drive a WS2812 LED from a PIC microcontroller (16F876) running at 5MIPS/20MHz. I didn't need a nanosecond delay function because the PIC runs just fast enou...
- Sat Feb 15, 2014 4:39 pm
- Forum: Forums d'aide en français
- Topic: RGB LED WS2812?
- Replies: 43
- Views: 49223
Re: RGB LED WS2812?
Le programme que j'ai mit a disposition devrait marcher sans problème, il te suffit juste de changer la valeur des variables Blue, Green et Red.
- Nicolas
- Nicolas
- Thu Feb 13, 2014 10:34 pm
- Forum: Forums d'aide en français
- Topic: RGB LED WS2812?
- Replies: 43
- Views: 49223
Re: RGB LED WS2812?
Ah désolé, le truc du SendReset c'était quand je t'avais fait le code ASM. Dans la version flowcode je l'avais déjà corrigé. Si maintenant tu veux brancher plusieurs LED WS2812 l'un après l'autre, faudra un petit peu changer le code de nouveau. P,S …J'apprécie énormément le travail que tu as fait :D...
- Thu Feb 13, 2014 7:13 pm
- Forum: Forums d'aide en français
- Topic: E-Block / I2C
- Replies: 1
- Views: 3214
Re: E-Block / I2C
Tu veux la raccorder à quelle carte E-block ?
- Nicolas
- Nicolas
- Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:51 pm
- Forum: Forums d'aide en français
- Topic: RGB LED WS2812?
- Replies: 43
- Views: 49223
Re: RGB LED WS2812?
Bon, j'ai réussi à se que flowcode compile le code. J'ai fait quelque modification au code. Au lieu d'utiliser les RED, GREEN, BLUE et TEMP du code asm, j'utilises les variables flowcode que tu avais créé, plus une variable TEMP que moi j'ai ajouté. Apres fallait changer tout les PORTA en _porta, pa...
- Wed Feb 12, 2014 8:17 pm
- Forum: Forums d'aide en français
- Topic: RGB LED WS2812?
- Replies: 43
- Views: 49223
Re: RGB LED WS2812?
Si tu peux me l'envoyer en flowcode v5, je pourrais voire se qui ne vas pas, sinon envoi moi le code C généré par flowcode.
Le project de Ben a été fait sur un PIC 16 bit (60 MIPS), alors que celui que tu utilises est un 8 bit (moins rapide, à 5 MIPS).
- Nicolas
Le project de Ben a été fait sur un PIC 16 bit (60 MIPS), alors que celui que tu utilises est un 8 bit (moins rapide, à 5 MIPS).
- Nicolas
- Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:46 pm
- Forum: Forums d'aide en français
- Topic: RGB LED WS2812?
- Replies: 43
- Views: 49223
Re: RGB LED WS2812?
Je n'ai pas la v6 malheureusement ^^.
Tu l'as testé ? Il marche ?
Tu l'as testé ? Il marche ?
- Wed Feb 12, 2014 3:59 pm
- Forum: Forums d'aide en français
- Topic: RGB LED WS2812?
- Replies: 43
- Views: 49223
Re: RGB LED WS2812?
Change les H'..' en 0x... C'est des valeurs hex. Se que tu peux faire pour changer les valeurs de REG, GREEN, BLUE, se serait de faire ça en C (dans flowcode): char *pRed; char *pGreen; char *pBlue; pRed = 0x20; pGreen = 0x21; pBlue = 0x22; Si je ne me trompe pas , les pointeurs devraient pointer ve...
- Tue Feb 11, 2014 3:40 pm
- Forum: Forums d'aide en français
- Topic: RGB LED WS2812?
- Replies: 43
- Views: 49223
Re: RGB LED WS2812?
Ah je suis content que ça marche!
Faudrait pouvoir faire une boucle pour envoyer les couleurs de tout tes LED un apres l'autre.
- Nicolas
PS: Le programme a marché du premier coup ?
Faudrait pouvoir faire une boucle pour envoyer les couleurs de tout tes LED un apres l'autre.
- Nicolas
PS: Le programme a marché du premier coup ?
- Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:16 pm
- Forum: Programming Tips & Tricks
- Topic: 3C : RS232 Parity (1)
- Replies: 4
- Views: 8332
Re: 3C : RS232 Parity (1)
What errors do you get ?
- Nicolas
- Nicolas
- Tue Feb 04, 2014 9:09 pm
- Forum: Programming Tips & Tricks
- Topic: LED Matrix Module
- Replies: 20
- Views: 23584
Re: LED Matrix Module
Didn't see those pins underneath the LED matrix, nice .
- Nicolas
- Nicolas
- Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:11 pm
- Forum: Programming Tips & Tricks
- Topic: Using 74HC595 to control 7seg LED
- Replies: 8
- Views: 13885
Re: Using 74HC595 to control 7seg LED
So, you want to make your program and your circuit board more complex ? I don't see the point in that. What i want to know is what modifications the posted flowchart requires so as to have multiple 595's daisy chained. You didn't ask that in your previous post. I'm sure you can learn how medelec's p...
- Tue Feb 04, 2014 1:42 pm
- Forum: Programming Tips & Tricks
- Topic: Using 74HC595 to control 7seg LED
- Replies: 8
- Views: 13885
Re: Using 74HC595 to control 7seg LED
You should check out the MAX7219 if you want to have multiple 7 seg displays.
- Nicolas
- Nicolas
- Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:06 am
- Forum: Programming Tips & Tricks
- Topic: LED Matrix Module
- Replies: 20
- Views: 23584
Re: LED Matrix Module
http://datasheets.maximintegrated.com/en/ds/MAX7219-MAX7221.pdf The MAX7219 has a 16 bit register which is used to set or clear the LEDs. You write in that register by setting or clearing your DIN and then having a rising edge on the CLK pin. CS has to be low. Each time there's a rising edge, the re...