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Set the path for the ESP toolchain by pasting in the installed toolchain location. By default this is C:\Users\Username\Desktop\esp-idf
Set the path for the ESP toolchain by pasting in the installed toolchain location. By default this is C:\Users\Username\Desktop\esp-idf
Please note this path cannot contain any spaces.

Revision as of 15:02, 26 November 2020

Compiler Toolchain

The compiler toolchain is used to allow Flowcode to compile the generated C code into a binary file that can be executed on your target microcontroller device.

The "Compile to Hex" and "Compile to Target" options in Flowcode require that a toolchain is installed for your selected microcontroller device.

Downloading and installing toolchain

Most of the toolchains can be found here on the main Flowcode download page.

Download and run the toolchain installation file and that will do everything required to allow Flowcode to compile to that range of target devices.

Note if you have Flowcode open when installing the toolchain then you may need to restart Flowcode once the toolchain is installed.

ESP32 Toolchain

The ESP32 toolchain includes a lot more extras and so we have used the standard Espresif installer as that does all the extra functionality for you.

The only downside to this is you have to manually point Flowcode at the toolchain.

The toolchain can be downloaded from here: Espressif ESP32 IDF Toolchain

When installing you need to include Python, Git and the Espressif IDF as part of the installation process. These are all required by the end toolchain to compile and program ESP32 devices.

In Flowcode click on View -> Global Settings -> Locations Tab

Set the path for the ESP toolchain by pasting in the installed toolchain location. By default this is C:\Users\Username\Desktop\esp-idf

Please note this path cannot contain any spaces.