2d Panels

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Revision as of 10:39, 17 January 2023 by MartinW (talk | contribs)
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2D panels provide a framework on which to load Flowcode components onto.

Unlike the 3D system panel, multiple 2D panels can be created and used.

For example, if using App developer you could have multiple 2D panels open with each panel displaying a unique name with a different set of graphs.

For embedded mode, each panel can have a different group of components

2D panels.png

To open a new 2D panel, select the View ribbon>2D Panels>Add new 2d panel

Add 2d Panel.png

If you have multiple panels added then you can select what 2D panels are open by left-clicking on the panel name.

Multiple 2D Panels Open.png

Note: you will only see the Legacy 2D panel option if opening a project that is previous to Flowcode v10 and the 2D dashboard was in use.

To Rename a panel, select the Components icon within the project explorer Right-click on the panel name for a 2D context menu.

2D Panel Right Context Menu.png

The look of each 2D panel can be changed, via the 2d panel properties.

For example, the panel colour, show a grid and the grid colour etc.

If the snap to gird requires changing, then the Show Grig must be enabled first.