Examples and Tutorials

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Beginner Examples


FC6 Icon.png Arduino Motor Test
FC6 Icon.png Relay Board Test Arduino
FC6 Icon.png Keypad - Arduino
FC6 Icon.png Motor Test Arduino
FC6 Icon.png Motor Test ESP Uno
FC6 Icon.png Arduino Uno - Grove 4 Digit Display
FC6 Icon.png Grove Ultrasound - Arduino
FC6 Icon.png Infrared Reflective Test - Arduino


FC6 Icon.png BL0127 Actuators Demo PIC
FC6 Icon.png C Code Example
FC6 Icon.png Counter For Ghost
FC6 Icon.png Counter With I2C Grove Display For Ghost Demo
FC6 Icon.png Flasher
FC6 Icon.png General IO
FC6 Icon.png Grove 4 Digit Display - PIC
FC6 Icon.png Grove Accel Gyro Demo 4x20
FC6 Icon.png Grove Barometer Sensor Demo
FC6 Icon.png Grove Infrared Reflective Sensor Demo Arduino
FC6 Icon.png Grove Infrared Reflective Sensor Demo
FC6 Icon.png Grove Light Sensor - PIC
FC6 Icon.png Grove PIR Motion Sensor Demo
FC6 Icon.png Grove Pot
FC6 Icon.png Grove Temp Hum Sensor - PIC
FC6 Icon.png Grove Temperature & Humidity Sensor Demo
FC6 Icon.png Grove Ultrasound - PIC
FC6 Icon.png Grove Water Sensor Demo
FC6 Icon.png Infrared Sensor
FC6 Icon.png Interrupt Tester
FC6 Icon.png IOC And Timer Interrupt Tester 11 09 24
FC6 Icon.png Motor Test PIC 2
FC6 Icon.png Motor Test PIC
FC6 Icon.png Temp
FC6 Icon.png Temperature And Humidity

Introduction to Microcontrollers Course

We recommend going through the Flowcode section of the https://www.matrixtsl.com/resources/files/datasheets/Microcontroller%20compete%20course.pdf course which has been updated for the latest version of Flowcode and is available for free at the learning center section on the main www.matrixtsl.com website.

If you have a Raspberry Pi you can look at [[1]|RPI getting started guide]

Embedded Getting Started Guide

The Embedded Getting Started Guide intoruces you to the Flowcode envioment and take you though to programming a microcontroller

Web Developer getting started

New with the realise of Flowcode v10.1 is Web Developer which allows the development of interactive web pages using the Flowcode IDE environment on any platform that supports HTML browsers.

The Web developer getting started guide takes you through your first experience of Web Developer and demonstrates how to generate interactive HTML files.

PC Developer Getting Started Guide

The PC Developer Getting Started Guide takes you through the various stages of creating PC developer code that includes switches, timer and graph logging.

Using PC_Developer APIs to Control an Arduino

The Using PC Developer APIs to Control an Arduino Takes you through creating HMI (Human machine Interface) Windows-based applications. that can control ESP32, and Arduino hardware in real time.

Raspberry Pi_Getting Started Guide

The Raspberry Pi Getting Started Guide shows you how to set up the Raspberry Pi to enable it to be programmed via Flowcode.

Sysblocks Getting Started Guide

The Sysblocks Getting Started Guide take you through signal processing for Music technology, DSP, Communications and Software Defined Radio.

Sysblocks is an exciting piece of hardware for use with education in mind.


There are loads of examples available. To find an example of a component you are interested in. Search for the component by selecting the magnifying glass on the left Components Libraries ribbon. Right-click on the component you would like to look at an example for, then select help. If there are no examples available then you can request an example on the forums.


Heat Control - Coarse

lots of modern electronic systems include some form of simple closed loop heat control to function. Some examples include a kitchen oven, a microwave oven, an iron, hair straighteners, electric heater, etc.

These devices typically work by monitoring the temperature and then switching on a heating element when the temperature is less then the required temperature. The element is then switched off again when the required temperature is reached.

The electronics involved could be a microcontroller digital output pin connected to a simple transistor, diode and relay to control the heater element and a thermistor to measure the heat.

FC6 Icon.png DSP Heater Coarse Control

Heat Control - Fine

More advanced electronic systems may require a bit more fine control of the temperature to avoid overshoot and improve response to load changes. Some examples include a SMD reflow oven, 3D printer hotend, soldering iron, etc.

These devices typically work by monitoring the temperature and then providing an analogue output to a heating element. The analogue value is calculated using a transfer function in this case we are using PID control.

The electronics involved could be a microcontroller PWM output pin connected to logic level FET or TRIAC to control the heater element and a thermocouple to measure the heat.

FC6 Icon.png DSP Heater Fine Control

Multi-function AC Power Monitor

The PZEM-004T is Multifunction AC Power Monitor which uses MODBUS to communicate with the microcontroller.

It can measure Voltage, Current, Frequency Power, Power Factor & Energy used (Resetable).

The power level threshold can be set to give OVERPOWER warning.

Before programming, check LCD address and Power Level Threshold are correct within the 2D Panel Properties.

As the MODBUS uses UART channel on the Arduino Uno, the UART software timer is used to send all the power values. Therefore you will require a TTL to USB converter or an analyser that can decode UART.

FC6 Icon.png Arduino Uno AC Multi-function Monitor v1.2

Current Sensor (ACS7xx) component

ACS7XX range of unidirectional and bidirectional 5, 20, 30, 50, 100, 150 & 200A current sensors

A simple example shows how to use a ASC712 component to measure a current range of +/- 5A. The component type can be changed within its properties.

FC6 Icon.png ACS712 example

Circular Buffer - Reliable Communications Data

This example takes bytes received from the Serial UART and uses the circular buffer to store the bytes as they come in using an interrupt. The main routine then forwards the bytes through to a PC using a USB serial connection.

This example would work equally well for creating a bridge between several UARTs or translating Serial to SPI or I2C etc.

FC6 Icon.png UART to USB Serial Data Bridge

The LCD will retain the contents of the display, for high speed data we only want to have to write to the portion of the display that can change.

FC6 Icon.png LCD Demo

FC6 Icon.png BME280 Barometer plus Altitude v1.0 This example reads and displays the pressure, temperature & humidity. If the pressure is increasing then Rise will be displayed.

Alternatively if the pressure is falling, then Fall will be displayed.

The altitude displayed is calculated based on the current pressure reading.

What makes the altitude useful is the ability to tare it, then after going up or downstairs for example the feet & meters are displayed.

Note since the altitude is calculated based on pressure, then if the sensor is left at the same height, the height displayed can be different each day.

Programming Touch and Graphical Displays

These programs are used in the Youtube video Touch and graphical displays parts 1 and 2

FC6 Icon.png gLCD Demo for SPI HGY 480 x 320 Display

FC6 Icon.png gLCD Demo for Cap Touch Display on Rowland Technology PCB

ZIP Icon.png Image for Test_card_6_for_Rowland

ZIP Icon.png Images for Test_card_7_for_HGY_480_320

FC6 Icon.png Menu system example for a gLCD

ZIP Icon.png Images for Menu system example

Place the bitmap files in the same folder as the project file for the simulation to work.

Menu system 06 08 24.fcfx

M5stack dial

FC6 Icon.png M5stack demo shows you how you can develop a simple test card for the M5 stack dial using Flowcode

FC6 Icon.png M5stack demo shows you how you can make an electronic safe project for the M5stack Dial

ZIP Icon.png Image for M5stack_Dial_simple

ZIP Icon.png Image for M5stack_Dial_Safe

Place the bitmap file in the same folder as the project file for the simulation to work.

App Developer


A range of example App Developer projects are available from here: https://www.flowcode.co.uk/app-developer/free-apps/

A simple example that shows how to use some common functions of the potentiometer in conjunction with an LCD.

FC6 Icon.png Potentiometer Example

A basic worked example showing how to use Flowcode to create an embedded project that is controlled via a web app using HTTP.

This set of 6 projects provides a detailed look at simple communications between an ESP32 device and a web browser using Flowcode to construct both the embedded app and the web app.

HTTP Comms Worked Example - Web Developer

A worked example showing how to create an embedded project that communicates with a PC via the serial port.

This simple example shows two projects - an embedded app and a PC-based app - that communicate with each other using the serial port, exchanging text messages between the embedded device and the PC.

Serial Comms Worked Example - PC Developer

A worked example showing how to develop Flowcode MQTT apps.

This project details a simple application for exchanging messages between embedded and non-embedded devices using the popular MQTT protocol. Flowcode is used to create three apps - an embedded app running on an ESP32 device, a PC app running on Windows and a web app running in a browser.

MQTT Worked Example - Web & PC Developer


This page contains a list of the scenarios included with Flowcode.

The corresponding components can be found in the Runtime section of the component toolbar.