Activating a new Flowcode licence

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Activating a new Flowcode licence

Post by Steve-Matrix »

Some people are experiencing a small problem when attempting to activate their licence for Flowcode. Instead of activating their licence, Flowcode shows the message "Please visit the Matrix site to activate your Flowcode licence".

To work around this, please do the following:
  1. Select "30 day trial" when Flowcode first launches.
  2. Enter your details and click "activate".
  3. Restart Flowcode.
  4. Open the "Licensing" panel and attach your key.
  5. Click "Licensing...Manage", select "My licence" and activate .
  6. Restart Flowcode once more and you should be good to go.
Note that Flowcode will continue to give you access to the trial for the first 30 days, after which your actual licence will take over.

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Re: Activating a new Flowcode licence

Post by Steve-Matrix »

Note also that there some users may not have access to the "App Developer" functionality and their licence may not correctly identify them as having a "Professional" licence. We hope to solve this soon.

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Re: Activating a new Flowcode licence

Post by leosedf »


Is this upgrade free for V8 users?

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Re: Activating a new Flowcode licence

Post by Steve-Matrix »

leosedf wrote:
Wed Dec 09, 2020 2:12 pm
Is this upgrade free for V8 users?

Anyone who recently purchased a new copy of v8 (from 1st September 2020 onwards) qualifies for a free upgrade.

If you don't qualify for the free upgrade, the upgrade discounts are as follows:
  • v8 -> v9 = 50% off
  • v7 -> v9 = 30% off

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Re: Activating a new Flowcode licence

Post by leosedf »

As a user with pro license on V6, V7, V8 i don't think i'll be upgrading to 9. Especially seeing how the forum has more posts on the bug section rather than anywywhere else. Not to mention the existing bugs on the previous versions.
Every year the same thing.

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Re: Activating a new Flowcode licence

Post by p.erasmus »


Try the 30 day free version and see if it is so buggy as you think,many nice and good things in V9 :D
Regards Peter - QME Electronics

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Re: Activating a new Flowcode licence

Post by lewalton »

leosedf wrote:
Wed Dec 09, 2020 7:17 pm
As a user with pro license on V6, V7, V8 i don't think i'll be upgrading to 9. Especially seeing how the forum has more posts on the bug section rather than anywywhere else. Not to mention the existing bugs on the previous versions.
Every year the same thing.

We always say that it would be a shame to lose a Flowcode user such as yourself, who has been with us for the last three versions. I would encourage you to download the v9 trial and try it out. Of course, as with any new software - I am sure you'll find bugs. I would encourage you to tell us about these and our team will do all they can to fix them. I hope we can convince you to keep working with us.

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Re: Activating a new Flowcode licence

Post by fotios »

leosedf wrote:
Wed Dec 09, 2020 7:17 pm
As a user with pro license on V6, V7, V8 i don't think i'll be upgrading to 9. Especially seeing how the forum has more posts on the bug section rather than anywywhere else. Not to mention the existing bugs on the previous versions.
Every year the same thing.
I'm an FC user from v3 onwards and as the range of supported micros increases exponentially, it is only natural that some features may have been omitted. There are very popular and very complex Pro micros that offer a lot of functionalities, which are impossible to have predicted in advance by the Matrix staff. They, as well as the polite members of the forum, will always be here to resolve issues and help us. I had a lot of help when I decided to make the leap from the "small" 8-bit PICs to the "big" STARM of 32-bit. A big thank you from my side to all of them.
Last edited by fotios on Fri Dec 11, 2020 8:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Activating a new Flowcode licence

Post by leosedf »

Hi Foti, I do like the software but I cannot afford so many licences, even at a reduced price. For stm's I jumped to cubeIDE which takes advantage of every single feature.
Don't get me wrong flowcode is a great software but every year I am expected to pay 400-500 pounds (if you are lucky) for a software I hardly ever use anymore and every time just when most of the problems get resolved we get a new version and have to pay again.

I will try it out anyway.

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Re: Activating a new Flowcode licence

Post by fotios »

leosedf wrote:
Thu Dec 10, 2020 11:34 pm
Hi Foti, I do like the software but I cannot afford so many licences, even at a reduced price. For stm's I jumped to cubeIDE which takes advantage of every single feature.
Don't get me wrong flowcode is a great software but every year I am expected to pay 400-500 pounds (if you are lucky) for a software I hardly ever use anymore and every time just when most of the problems get resolved we get a new version and have to pay again.

I will try it out anyway.
I understand you, the same applies to myself (I'm also a Pro user). I can't upgrade every time a new FC version is launched as my annual budget is very restricted. Some tips that I use are to upgrade every next version e.g. v5 - v7 - v9, to select only the chip packs that I need (in my case only PIC8 and ARM), and to select only the necessary feature packs. If I need a new one in the future, I could order it later. Regarding CubeIDE, is a great tool but it needs a lot of time for reading as the HAL driver is quite complex due to the many features offered by STARM. Additionally, it supports only... STARM compared to the big range of different micros supported by FC. From the Matrix staff, LeighM helped me a lot (actually he wrote for me all missing RTC and ADC HAL functions) when I was busy with a project with an STM32F as the target. It would be nice if any peripheral of any micro supported by FC would be completely functional before any new version release, but that is impossible. I will also upgrade to the v9, mainly due to the new ESP32 chip pack which is very popular.
Have a nice day! :)

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