Will FC support Codey?

Post here to discuss any new features, components, chips, etc, that you would like to see in Flowcode.
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Re: Will FC support Codey?

Post by chipfryer27 »

Hi Bob

Thanks for the link.

Pretty much any modern uC is far more powerful (and a breeze to program using FC) than my TRS-80, but I can't wait to get it working :)


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Re: Will FC support Codey?

Post by jandidden »

chipfryer27 wrote:
Wed May 10, 2023 11:22 am
Hi Jan

What a very interesting career. I'd love to hear more but you

a) probably aren't allowed to tell us
b) need to kill me afterwards
Nah, all old hat, things have become much more sophisticated after that.
In newer systems like the Patriot system, they actually fly the intercept radar and computer in the missile, so the closer it gets the more accurate the predictions become.
Hard to get away in a jet capable of 5G evasive maneuvers when meeting a missile that can do 30G corrections.
Think about someone in a wheel chair trying to evade a pro soccer player ;-)


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Re: Will FC support Codey?

Post by chipfryer27 »


I think we all appreciate what the technology can do, but when actual numbers are included it literally does blow you away (pun intended). You must hate watching Hollywood movies...... :)


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Re: Will FC support Codey?

Post by jandidden »

I smile a lot with Hollywood movies ;-)
But military technolgy is amazing. For instance, when your missile just left the launcher, there's no need to immediately react to each and any target maneuver. That only wasts fuel and kinetic momentum. So you adaptively filter the target maneuvers in DSP before sending it to the intercept computer. Then when you get closer you progressively relax the filtering time constants.

Another: artillery shells these days have a build-in radar in the "bullet" with proximity fuzing. So you don't need to hit the target, the prox fuzing will explode the payload at the smallest crossing distance. Can you imagine a miniature radar and processor in the head of a bullet surviving the acceleration of being fired, probably a few 100 Gs?

OTOH, you can do a lot if cost is no object.


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Re: Will FC support Codey?

Post by chipfryer27 »


I bet you have the highest score ever in "Space Invader" games :)

The military have been responsible for many a good invention that found it's way into civilian use, such as Radar, WD40, SuperGlue and Duct tape being common examples.

Of these the two most important are WD40 and Duct tape as used everywhere by engineers when something is supposed to move and doesn't or if it does move and shouldn't :lol:


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Re: Will FC support Codey?

Post by jandidden »

So true!

Back to Codey:

Code: Select all

Create a Flowcode program for the PIC16F1788. It must have an LCD display in 4-bit mode and an analog input.
Display logon message 'Hello World', then  wait 1 second, then read and display the analog input voltage at pin 12.
16-5-2023 11:57:02
Sure, I can help you create a flowcode program for the PIC16F1788 microcontroller. Here are the steps:

1. Create a new project in Flowcode and select the PIC16F1788 microcontroller.

2. In the components panel, add the "LCD" component and configure it for 4-bit mode by specifying
 the DB4-DB7 pins and the RS, R/W and E pins.

3. Create a flowchart to initialize the LCD and write the "Hello World" message on it.
You can use the "LCD initialisation" and "LCD write string" functions for this.

4. Add a "wait" function for 1 second to delay the program execution before reading the analog input.

5. Use the "ReadADC" function to read the analog input voltage on pin 12.
 Specify the analog channel, reference voltage and number of bits for the ADC configuration.

6. Use the "LCD write number" function to display the voltage value on the LCD.
You may need to convert the voltage value to a readable format before displaying it.

7. Compile and upload the code to the PIC16F1788 microcontroller.

Here is an example of how the flowchart would look like:


Note that this is just a basic example and you may need to modify the flowchart and
functions to suit your specific requirements and hardware setup.
Not very helpful.


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Re: Will FC support Codey?

Post by chipfryer27 »


Clearly it hasn't watched any of Benj's videos :)

It basically just repeated what you requested it to do more or less in the same order, so no comprehension of the actual purpose and how to achieve.

On a brighter note, my capacitors arrived today so hopefully I can resurrect my TRS-80 or at least watch some other part blow up :)


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