2x WS2812 Components Don't Work

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2x WS2812 Components Don't Work

Post by unity-control »

Hi there!

Simple setup. ESP32 Chip.

1x WS2812 Component with 2 LEDs works fine (Output A27). If I add a second WS2812 Component with another 2 LEDs (Output A26)

None of the LEDs work at all :-(

If I remove the first WS2812 Component, the second works fine.

Thanks for your help!

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Re: 2x WS2812 Components Don't Work

Post by BenR »


Can you chain your second two LEDs off of the first two? That's the easy answer.

Currently I throw all the RMT components at the WS2812 waveform generation and this allows an unlimited number of LEDs to be driven. But the downside to this is you cannot have a second WS2812 component.

I could maybe make it more configurable when you want a very few LEDs so that it only uses the number of RMT peripherals required.

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Re: 2x WS2812 Components Don't Work

Post by unity-control »

Hi Ben,

Thanks for your lines!

We can't daisy chain any of the LEDs, they are totally separate PCBs (some of them using WS2812 LEDs, others using WS2818 drivers) with their own PSU and go to physically opposite places for different parts of the system.

This was not a problem with FC9, FC8 before :-(

For this project that was working fine in FC9, we have 3 different WS2812 components, but with some of the latest updates in FC9, it simply didn't work at all, then moved to FC10 and took me some time to figure out why it wasn't working :-(

Also what do you do like in our case when we have 2x totally different components effectively (but in Flowcode is the same one):
1x WS2812B component (standard setting): which is GRB encoded and drives 5V WS2812B LEDs directly)
1x WS2812 component (custom setting RGB as below): configured to communicate with RGB driver WS2818B which is effectively RGB encoded instead of GRB driving 12V LEDs
GRB.jpg (12.71 KiB) Viewed 3417 times
RGB.jpg (17.18 KiB) Viewed 3417 times
I mean if you could at least have a second WS2812 component that would be great. Otherwise is it possible to have the WS2812 component source as maybe Martin could do some extra work to fix this for us :-)

Thanks in advance!

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Re: 2x WS2812 Components Don't Work

Post by BenR »

This was not a problem with FC9, FC8 before :-(
On an ESP32? The ESP32 is a special use case as we use the RMT peripherals. On other devices the signals are bit banged and so you can have as many components as you need.
Otherwise is it possible to have the WS2812 component source as maybe Martin could do some extra work to fix this for us :-)
The source for all the FC10 components is available via our wiki.
https://www.flowcode.co.uk/wiki/index.p ... ource_Code

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