ESP32 Noobs Begineers Guide

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ESP32 Noobs Begineers Guide

Post by jay_dee »

Looking at options again, this time the ESP32 familiy. :)
I see the supported devices list. ... #ChipTable
and the toolchain guide, ... ctions.pdf

Are there any trips/version etc to be aware of with this ToolChain?

For hardware what is a good starting point, genunine chip, well supported and proven with Flowcode V9 or V10.
It appears there are many versions, generations and across several series S, C, H.

I love small development boards similar to an ECIO, personally I would rather pay a little more to have a good product over the cheapest knock-off product.
Is there anything people would suggest from a reputable supplier with good documentation.
I like the ideal of this Adafruit Feather ecosystem, which uses the ESP-WROOM-32 module. Whilst the development board is not listed, is the core ESP32 module supported.

From a flowcode perspective..Does FC10 support the ESP32's internal CAN or is it still advised to use external chip like MCP2512 over SPI.
Does flowcode support dual processors or multiple threads. I'm sure this is a nightmare to code for!

Thanks al.

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Re: ESP32 Noobs Begineers Guide

Post by BenR »


For now I would avoid the C2, S3 devices. I'm investigating support for these. Anything based on the standard ESP32 should be fine.

My goto is the knock off Lolin32 lite boards from Aliexpress, they are low cost and work great though the Lipo battery charge circuit is a bit suspect. ... 18021Dltqi

Swapping out the charger IC allows the battery charging to function correctly too.

Or anything based on the WROOM32 should also be great. Just use the WROOM32 definition file and you should be good to go.

Yes the internal CAN should be supported and working.

When installing the toolchain follow the guide and you should end up with a working installation.

Flowcode does allow you to use the second core using some C commands, I beleive we have a post on the forums somewhere regarding this. However it might be better if your using Bluetooth or Wifi to leave the second core dedicated to driving these tasks.

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Re: ESP32 Noobs Begineers Guide

Post by chipfryer27 »


I built the Power Monitor last year using an ESP32 and had disappointing results with range and connectivity. Barely able to connect to my router with a LOS of only a few metres.

Bought another module and had similar problems. These modules were "cheap" and bought from a well known online market with next day delivery.

I then bought one from a more specialist supplier (an Open Smart ESP-32) which cost about three times the price of the "cheapos'" and this connected instantly and I've had no issue with it anywhere in the house or Evil Lab.

So it seems you get what you pay for with these modules.

I looked at the ones in Ben's link and will probably buy some mainly as he has recommended them.

If you look through the posts you will see issues with installing the TC, but these are almost always down to not following the instructions exactly. I recently had an issue when installing on a W10 machine but it was down to me not noticing an option during the install process. Depending on your PC there could be a few additional downloads required so it's best to pay attention during the install.

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Re: ESP32 Noobs Begineers Guide

Post by »

Hi jay_dee

I use this module with FC10.
Works very well and is already in a housing with battery and USB-C connection for charging and programming.

Some built-in hardware like switches, display, micro-sd card, Bluetooth or IMU also work very well with Flowcode 10.
In addition, it also has various ports with these small common Groove 4-pin connectors.
You can connect a CAN module there, for example. But I don't know anything about CAN (yet).
The module is built in such a way that you can also draw your own board and install it.

I would also give you a little "hello world" programme if you like.



K007-V26 M5Stack | Mouser ... XB7w%3D%3D

Modul with a dockingstation (included)
Snag_d0bdbe.png (451.61 KiB) Viewed 1961 times
Modul Open
Snag_dc8a21.png (857.66 KiB) Viewed 1961 times

Can Modul:
U085 M5Stack | Mouser ... kyog%3D%3D
Snag_e36a33.png (115.6 KiB) Viewed 1961 times

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Flowcode v10 Re: ESP32 Noobs Begineers Guide

Post by jay_dee »

What are the current recommended version of softwares for a working ESP Toolchain?

Is it still

Git 2.21.0
Python 3.7

Thanks, J.

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Re: ESP32 Noobs Begineers Guide

Post by mnfisher »

v5 and v5.0.1 now seem to work pretty well. Not sure if there are many benefits to changing if you have a stable setup. The newer versions will allow you to use other variants of the esp32 (such as the c3)


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Re: ESP32 Noobs Begineers Guide

Post by jay_dee »

Hi, Thanks.
Stuggling to get any combination to work to be honest...Achieved different levels of success with various methods.
No matter how closesly I follow the install guides from either ESP or FC there seems to be various steps that just dont reflect what I get during the install process.
After a uninstall and reinstall of ESP-IDF 4.1.4, it seems upset with the Python install.
Checking if Python packages are up to date...
The following Python requirements are not satisfied:
esp-windows-curses; sys_platform == 'win32'
Please follow the instructions found in the "Set up the tools" section of ESP-IDF Getting Started Guide
Honestly, I've been through many pages of the ESP guides and have no idea how to check the python packages.
Appreciate this is not strictly FC related issues but any help is appreciated.

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Re: ESP32 Noobs Begineers Guide

Post by RGV250 »

I could not get it to install at all with Win7, swapped to a Win10 PC and it installed fine. I use the WROOM32, I think I got it from Amazon and that works fine. I am not sure about the wifi range but seems OK for around 8mts.


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Re: ESP32 Noobs Begineers Guide

Post by chipfryer27 »


I've just installed ESP 5.0.1 on W10 using a guide by Martin


One of the files I downloaded warns that it won't run on pre W10 machines.


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Re: ESP32 Noobs Begineers Guide

Post by jay_dee »

I've uninstalled all previous versions and re downloaded everything and spent time too work closly to the instructions given, It still will not compile and is throwing the same errors regarding Python. "Python requirements are not satisfied"
On checking further I think the ESP toolchain it is using its embedded python. which is version 3.8.7
this look too old so installed python 3.11.3 manually.

Does anyone know how can I make ESP IDF use an alterative version of python or update its embedded version?

The ESP toolchain seems just as shambolic as the Pi PICO...they all assume your a experianced Linux Coder, by definition as a Flowcode user I am neither! :) J.

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