The variable in the "Interval" component is not updated

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The variable in the "Interval" component is not updated

Post by Carmelo »

He realizado lo indicado por Martin en el post del enlace siguiente:

Dentro de la macro, que se llama del componente "intervalo", tengo un bloque de cálculo y ejecutandose correctamente lo indicado en: salida=!salida y salida-> C1.
Pero dentro del bloque de calculo tambies existe segundos=segundos+1 y este cálculo no se actualiza.
Adjunto en fichero
¿A que puede ser?
Gracias de antemano por la ayuda.
I have done what Martin indicated in the post linked below.
Within the macro, which is called the "interval" component, I have a calculation block and the following is executed correctly: output=!output and output-> C1.
But within the calculation block there is also seconds=seconds+1 and this calculation is not updated.
Attached in file
What could it be?
Thanks in advance for the help.
Con Intervalo de timer.fcfx
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Re: The variable in the "Interval" component is not updated

Post by medelec35 »

Hello, may thanks for the report.
This is currently being investigated.

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Re: The variable in the "Interval" component is not updated

Post by BenR »


This bug is currently only in the simulation engine and will run as expected on the microcontroller hardware. We have managed to replicate the issue and are investigating.

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