Cannot compile on school computer

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Cannot compile on school computer

Post by munnsy08 »

I am looking at using Flowcode at my school for Arduinos but am having difficulty compiling the code. When I click compile to target I receive an error message that I have attached.

Our school security system is fairly restrictive and does not give administration rights to users. Usually this issue is resolved by the school allowing particular files to have administration rights for users, however, this fix is not working in this instance.

Are there any suggestions for getting around this security issue?
error message compile.png
error message compile.png (45.47 KiB) Viewed 513 times

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Re: Cannot compile on school computer

Post by Steve-Matrix »

Flowcode does not require administrator privileges to run and many schools and colleges use it without issue.

In your case, it appears that there is a setting in you IT group policy (or perhaps an installed anti-virus app) that is preventing Flowcode from running the compiler. Flowcode uses external compilers to create code that runs in the microcontrollers and so it is necessary for Flowcode to be allowed to launch external processes.

You will need to contact your IT admin to resolve this. The group policy setting is probably "User Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Don’t run specified Windows applications". Your IT admin will need to ensure the Flowcode exe, the batch files used to launch the toolchains (in %PROGRAMDATA%\MatrixTSL\FlowcodeV10) and any toolchains used are not blocked there.

If that is not the issue, then there may be other suggestions here: ... +policy%22

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