API use in Flowcode 10

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API use in Flowcode 10

Post by walbeek »

Hi there,

I'm trying to use the API VNET Injector to simulate communication between two Flowcharts.
The first (transmitter) has 8 buttons in a switch array that is tested to a variable.
When a button is pressed, the value is send to UART, SendChar.

The seccond (receiver) has a display that shoulld show the value thats received.
It waits for a RS232 signal but this is never reveived.

In the older version (FC3) I had to make a VNET "server" to connect them.
In the newer version this is implemented so probably the problem is settings.

I have tried several other versions from this Forum or Wiki.
Non of them works at the moment.
Can anybody point me in the right directio te make this work?
Please let me know.
API Receiver V001.fcfx
(13.84 KiB) Downloaded 38 times
API Transmitter V001.fcfx
(16.28 KiB) Downloaded 38 times
Best regards,


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