FAD RTC Programmer - Arduino Uno/Sparkfun RedBoard

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FAD RTC Programmer - Arduino Uno/Sparkfun RedBoard

Post by medelec35 »

How long does it normally take to program an RTC module easily with the current time or date?
With this App Developer project, the answer is within a second!
Programming RTC is not all the hardware does.
It will automatically update the RTC module (DS1307, DS3231/DS3232) with the correct time when the clocks change.
It does not even have to be powered up or on the day the clocks change!
As soon as the board is powered up (even if not connected to the PC) it will detect if the clocks have changed since it was powered down, then will update hours accordingly.
If you live in a county that the clocks don't change when UK clocks do, then at the flick of a switch on App Developer (or GND pin 12 for a sec on the hardware) then DST will be disabled.
Wiring is very simple if you have the Backpack LCD as with that and the RTC SDA is A4 and SCL is A5.
If you have a standard LCD then you will need to change the flowchart accordingly.
Attached are all the required files.
An image of the RTC working:
RTC sync FAD.jpg
RTC sync FAD.jpg (47.91 KiB) Viewed 4647 times
A screenshot of the App developer programmer:
Screenshot FAD RTC Prog.png
Screenshot FAD RTC Prog.png (42.85 KiB) Viewed 4647 times
as you can see the App developer shows both the RTC time and PC time.
Yes, I decided to base the looks on the time circuits of the Back To The Future Time machine.
Note the SetDay macro is set for Sat = 1.
It's not used within the firmware but set so you can use the RTC module within your own firmware.

I will be creating an article on this when I get the chance.
You don't need to have any component pack licences to be able to program using the App developer.
I have included xLoader, so you can use that to send the hex file to the Uno/RedBoard.

I will be creating a hex file with the standard LCD so even if you have not got the component's license, you can still have a working RTC programmer
App Developer RTC Prog V1.1.zip
(1.51 MiB) Downloaded 254 times

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Re: FAD RTC Programmer - Arduino Uno/Sparkfun RedBoard

Post by mnfisher »

Thanks Martin,

I like that display.....
I'd be tempted to add 1s on the Arduino (or some 'better' synchronisation - so that the times match exactly) - then we are all set for some relativity experimentation with a little help from Mr Bezos, Musk or Branson?


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Re: FAD RTC Programmer - Arduino Uno/Sparkfun RedBoard

Post by medelec35 »

Thanks, Martin
I like the display as well.
That was my first attempt to jump back in the past about 500ms as that is the total difference.
I will inform the trio when the time jump works

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Re: FAD RTC Programmer - Arduino Uno/Sparkfun RedBoard

Post by steve001 »

Thanks martin

Very Interesting Project, will have a go with this later have been currently looking at your "setting RTC in a Flash" article


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Re: FAD RTC Programmer - Arduino Uno/Sparkfun RedBoard

Post by medelec35 »

Hi Steve.
Thank you for your interest.
The Setting RTC in a Flash was great in the day, but this is even better!
While it does quickly program which is great, the difference is this one allows you to see what the RTC time is if you don't have an LCD connected.
This one also updates with the new clock changes within the UK.
Of course, that can be disabled by flicking a switch within App Developer.
If there are any issues or changes you would like to see then feel free to post about them.

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Re: FAD RTC Programmer - Arduino Uno/Sparkfun RedBoard

Post by chipfryer27 »

Hi Martin

Love the graphics. I have an inkling that a lot of displays will now look a lot like this :)

I don't have a DeLorean for you to play with but maybe a 68' Super Seven or a couple of 70's era Ferrari's would suffice?

Actually now I'm thinking on it I do actually have a DeLorean for you to play with..... it's due to be delivered yesterday :)


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Re: FAD RTC Programmer - Arduino Uno/Sparkfun RedBoard

Post by medelec35 »

Yes, I like the way the graphics have turned out.

It should not be a problem
chipfryer27 wrote:
Sun Jan 16, 2022 3:09 pm
Actually now I'm thinking on it I do actually have a DeLorean for you to play with..... it's due to be delivered yesterday
That is not a problem as the time circuits can be temporarily be placed in one of the Ferrari's so could go back to Saturday, when its due to be delivered.
I have the flux capacitor ready.

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Re: FAD RTC Programmer - Arduino Uno/Sparkfun RedBoard

Post by medelec35 »

I have updated both App developer and Uno/Redboard firmware from v1.0 to v1.1

App developer:
A minor bug fix stopping RTC LEDs between Hour and Min flashing at the correct time.
Added more comments for those interested in how it works.

Changed simulate from yes to no and removed the simulation test time and date values.
Now you can see the PC time simulate within the firmware flowchart.

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