new component MAX31865 for PT100/PT1000

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new component MAX31865 for PT100/PT1000

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Hi Ben
Flowcode already offers some components to measure the temperature.
Something to measure with a PT1000 is still missing. As described in the data sheet, this PT1000 offers some advantages.
Would it be possible to have a component like MAX31865 for the PT1000?

Maybe you can extend the existing MAX31856 Flowcode component
or use this as a template for a new component

Info about demoboard:
(4.6 MiB) Downloaded 246 times
link demoboard ... 8/6562952

link data sheet: ... 31865.pdf

For precision temperature sensing, nothing beats a Platinum RTD. Resistance
temperature detectors (RTDs) are temperature sensors that contain a resistor that
changes resistance value as its temperature changes, basically a kind of thermistor. In
this sensor, the resistor is actually a small strip of Platinum with a resistance of 100 or
1000 ohms at 0°C, thus the name PT100/PT1000.
Compared to most NTC/PTC thermistors, the PT type of RTD is much more stable and
precise (but also more expensive) PT's have been used for many years to measure
temperature in laboratory and industrial processes, and have developed a reputation
for accuracy (better than thermocouples), repeatability, and stability.

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