Problem with 1.3 inch TFT display ST7789

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Problem with 1.3 inch TFT display ST7789

Post by OderlandoRSilva »

I was trying to use the display shown in the photo, but something wasn't working right.
As simple as my code is, it doesn't work properly.
I'm using an Arduino UNO.
The problem: After the code is sent to the Arduino, the display remains without information. But, when I send the code to the Arduino again, the display shows the characters for a short period of time (this only happens while the Arduino is being recorded, because after the recording, the display goes back to being without information). I can only make the characters appear on the display when the Arduino is being recorded. After that, it goes blank.
I was able to control a 0.96" ST7789 I2C display, but I'm not able to control this 1.3" ST7789 model. Has anyone had problems like this? I'm sending the code attached and some photos
Display.gif (2.18 MiB) Viewed 525 times
Display1.3.jpeg (84.85 KiB) Viewed 525 times
(14.21 KiB) Downloaded 27 times

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Re: Problem with 1.3 inch TFT display ST7789

Post by jgu1 »


As far I remember, this display use 3,3v also for the datapin. Do you have you a devider for all the pin? if not it will not work correct.

Martin Mecelec have created an effectiv, simple way to do this, have a look here:


Br Jorgen

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