From Flowcode Help
Inputs: Analog
ADC Template | Base ADC component with no graphical interface. |
Inputs: General
Encoder Rotary | Encoder component implements a rotary encoder connected to two pins |
Touch Pads (EB088) | This board provides five touch areas for use with capacitive sensing. |
Inputs: Keypads
Keypad (Generic) | Generic component to create a raster scanned custom keypad or button matrix. |
Inputs: Switches
Switch Array Template | A base component for creating an evenly spaced array of switches. |
Switch Template | Base single pin switch with no graphical interface |
Outputs: General
Buzzer | Drives a simple fixed frequency buzzer in hardware and simulates the sound of a buzzer in simulation. |
DAC Output | CAL = Code Abstraction Layer - Allows one code base to run on a wide range of chips. |
PWM | Pulse Width Modulation, a versitile way of generating a digital pulse using mark / space modulation. |
Piezo Sounder | Drives a simple variable frequency piezo sounder in hardware and simulates the sound in simulation. |
Speech | Speech component allowing Phoneme based speech for use on an embedded platform. |
Outputs: LEDs
LED (Generic, RGB) | An LED with red, green and blue elements that can be mixed together to produce |
LED Array Template | Create an evenly spaced array of LED indicators. |
LED Charlieplex | Create an evenly spaced array of LED indicators using a reduced amount of I/O pins. |
LED Cube | LED Cube component for driving 3D arrays of LEDs. |
LED Matrix (HT16K33) | LED Matrix component designed to work using a HT16K33 LED driver IC. |
LED Matrix (Parallel) | LED Matrix component designed to work using multiple data pins and a single clock pin. |
LED Matrix (Serial) | LED Matrix component designed to work using a single data and clock pin. |
LED MultiColour Bi (5mm, PCB) | An industry standard 5mm diameter bi-colour LED. |
LED MultiColour Tri (5mm, PCB) | An industry standard 5mm diameter tri-colour LED. |
LED Template | Base for creating LEDs and other on/off visual indicators. |
NeoPixel LED APA102C | A simple chained RGB LED controller IC allowing multiple LEDs to be controlled using a serial data stream. |
NeoPixel LED WS2801 | A simple chained RGB LED controller IC allowing multiple LEDs to be controlled using a serial data stream. |
NeoPixel LED WS2811 WS2812 APA106 | A simple chained RGB LED controller IC allowing multiple LEDs to be controlled using a serial data stream. |
RGB Xmas Tree | Component complete with macros and simultion to drive the MatrixTSL RGB Xmas Tree decoration. |
Displays: Alphanumeric
LCD (Adafruit, OLED) | Adafruit OLED LCD display |
LCD (Generic) | Generic configurable alphanumeric LCD display component based on the standard |
LCD 4x20 (Adafruit, OLED) | Adafruit OLED LCD display 4 x 20 characters |
LCD I2C (LCM1602) | Generic alphanumeric LCD display based on the standard Hitachi HD44780 controller IC.Connected using an I2C based PCF8574 IO Expander IC. |
Displays: Graphical
Bitmap Drawer FAT | A component to simplify the process of drawing bitmap images to a graphical display. |
Bitmap Drawer ROM | A component to simplify the process of drawing bitmap images to a graphical display. |
GLCD Base | Base graphical LCD with simulation only interface to allow graphics to be drawn in simulation. |
GLCD Graph Creator | A component to simplify the process of drawing graphs and charts using a graphical LCD. |
GLCD Textfield | A component to simplify the process of drawing text to a graphical display. |
Touch Screen (XPT2046) | Low level routines for controlling or interacting with the XPT2046 touch screen controller IC found |
Displays: Segment
7Segment (Quad TM1637) | Quad seven segment display using an two pin communications bus to reduce the number of control pins. |
7Segment (Quad) | 14mm seven segment display. |
7Segment (Single) | Seven segment display modelled after a standard 14mm high unit. |
Starburst Display | Starburst 14 or 16 segment display modelled after a standard 14mm high unit. |
Accel Gyro 6_Axis (MPU-6050) | MPU-6050 Combined 6-Axis Accelerometer and Gyroscope sensors. |
Accel Gyro Mag 9_Axis (LSM9DS1) | LSM9DS1 Combined 9-Axis Accelerometer, Gyroscope and Magnetometer sensors. |
Accel Gyro Mag 9_Axis (MPU9250) | MPU9250 Combined 9-Axis Accelerometer, Gyroscope and Magnetometer sensors. |
Accel Mag 6_Axis (LSM303D) | LSM303D Combined 6-Axis Accelerometer and Magnetometer sensors |
Accel Mag 6_Axis (LSM303DLHC) | LSM303DLHC Combined 6-Axis Accelerometer and Magnetometer sensors |
Accelerometer 3_Axis (LIS3LV02DQ) | LIS3LV02DQ Accelerometer sensor with options for I2C or SPI communications. |
Barometer (BME280) | A small PCB surface mount barometric pressure sensor with a I2C bus interface. |
Barometer (MS5637) | A small PCB surface mount barometric pressure sensor with a I2C bus interface. |
Collision Detector Template | Polls a chosen panel object to see if it has collided with another object. |
Colour Sensor (TCS3200) | This board provides the ability to detect colours using the TCS3200 sensor. |
Gyroscope 3_Axis (L3G4200D) | Interface to the L3G4200D three axis digital gyroscope. |
Gyroscope 3_Axis I2C (L3GD20) | Interface to the L3GD20 three axis digital gyroscope. |
Gyroscope 3_Axis SPI (L3GD20) | Allows access to a three axis digital gyroscope via an SPI interface. |
Hall Effect Analog | Simple analogue hall effect triggered by the proximity of another object. |
Hall Effect Digital | Simple digital hall effect on off switch triggered by the proximity of another object. |
Humidity (SHT21) | Humidity and temperature sensor using an SHT21 IC connected via I2C. |
Infrared Array AMG88xx | An 8x8 (64) Pixel infrared sensor array allowing basic none contact temperature detection. |
Photo Reflector | Uses InfraRed light to detect if an external object is near to the sensor. |
Photo Transistor | Uses InfraRed light to detect if an external object is near to the sensor. |
Proximity Analog Template | Polls a chosen panel object to test it's distance from this component. |
Proximity Switch Template | Polls a chosen panel object to test it's distance from this component. |
Reed Switch | Simple on off switch triggered by the proximity of another object. |
Temp Humidity (DHT11 ) | The DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor is a popular sensor allowing the ambient temperature and relative humidity to be monitored digitally. |
Temp Humidity (DHT22 ) | The DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor is a popular sensor allowing the ambient temperature and relative humidity to be monitored digitally. |
Temp Humidity (HTS221) | A temperature and relative humidity sensor allowing the ambient temperature and relative humidity to be monitored digitally. |
Temperature (LM75B) | A digital temperature sensor based around the NXP LM75B chip. |
Thermistor | A generic thermistor component that can be used to simulate and create code for any |
Thermistor Template | Base component for creating thermistors. |
7Segment Quad (104030003) | Quad seven segment display using an two pin communications bus to reduce the number of control pins. |
Accel Gyro 6_Axis LSM6DS3 (105020012) | Combined 6-Axis Accelerometer and Gyroscope sensors. |
Barometer BMP280 (101020192) | Barometric pressure sensor with a I2C bus interface. |
Chainable RGB LED v2.0 (104020048) | Grove-Chainable RGB LED V2. |
Grove Water Sensor (101020018) | The water sensor uses a 1M ohm pull-up resistor. |
I2C Color Sensor (101020341) | Based on the color sensor TCS34725FN with digital output I2C. |
Infrared Reflective Sensor (101020174) (101020174) | Uses InfraRed light to detect if an external object is near to the sensor. |
LED Bar v2.0 (104020006) | LED Bar is comprised of a 10 segment LED gauge bar and an MY9221 LED controlling chip. |
PIR Motion BISS0001 (101020020) | PIR motion sensor component for digital output sensors. |
Relay (103020005) | The Relay is a digital normally open switch capable of switching much higher voltages and curren... |
Sound Sensor (101020023) | The Sound sensor module is a simple microphone. |
Temp Humidity DHT22 (101020019) | The DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor is a popular sensor allowing the ambient |
Temperature Sensor (101020015) | Temperature Sensor uses a thermistor to measure ambient temperature. |
Ultrasonic Ranger (101020010) | The ultrasonic sensor is a non-contact distance measurement module. |
E-blocks 1
Accelerometer (EB068) | LIS3LV02DQ Accelerometer sensor with options for I2C or SPI communications. |
Combo Board (EB083) | A simulated version of the EB083 Combo board including LEDs, Switches, LCD, 7-Segs |
GLCD (EB057 / EB058) | Graphical display component designed to work with the EB057 modules and EB058 E-blocks. |
Keypad (EB014) | Preset keypad based around the 3 * 4 unit, as used by the Matrix EB014 E-block |
LCD (EB005) | LCD based on the unit used in the Matrix EB005 E-block |
LED (EB004) | An LED matrix made up of standard PCB mount 5mm LEDs. |
SPI Master (EB013) | Low level routines for controlling or interacting with an SPI interface. |
Switch (EB007) | An array of up to eight momentary push switches, each connected to a single pin of the specified port. |
TCPIP (EB023 v1) | TCP/IP component designed to work with the WIZ3100 range of modules from Wiznet. |
TCPIP (EB023 v2) | TCP/IP component designed to work with the WIZ810MJ module from Wiznet, |
Webserver (EB023 v1) | Webserver component designed to work with the NM7010A module from Wiznet, |
Webserver (EB023 v2) | Webserver component designed to work with the WIZ810MJ module from Wiznet, |
E-blocks 2
Bluetooth (BL0170) | Low level routines for controlling a Microchip RN4677 Bluetooth Module. |
Combo (BL0114) | A component to drive the BL0114 Combo board including LEDs, Switches, LCD, 7-Segs |
GLCD (BL0139) | Graphical display component designed to work with the ST7567 type monochrome displays. |
IO Expander (BL0155) | Provides 16 digital input/output pins arranged into two 8-bit E-block 2 ports using a SPI bus connection. |
LCD (BL0169) | LCD component to drive the E-blocks 2 BL0169 LCD board. |
LED (BL0167) | LED component to drive the E-blocks 2 BL0167 LED board. |
Servo Motor (BL0162) | Servo motor component to drive the E-blocks 2 BL0162 Servo Motors board. |
Switch (BL0145) | A set of 8 push switches that can be connected to an E-blocks 2 upstream board via a port connector.Switches are wired in an active high configuration. |
WIFI (BL0136) | Wireless LAN component designed to work with the ESP-12S module. |
EBM Modules
Accel Mag 6_Axis (EBM015) | EBM015 Combined 6-Axis Accelerometer and Magnetometer sensors |
Colour Sensor (EBM018) | This board provides the ability to detect colours using the TCS3200 sensor. |
Digital Temperature (EBM004) | A digital temperature sensor based around the LM75B chip. |
Dual Potentiometer _ Trimmer (EBM006) | This board provides two rotary potentiometers. |
GLCD (EBM001) | Graphical display component designed to work with the EBM001 modules and EB084 E-blocks. |
Gyroscope (EBM009) | Interface to the L3G4200D three axis digital gyroscope. |
Hall Effect (EBM011) | The board has a Hall Effect sensor (SL353) that gives a digital output in the presence of a magnetic field (in the region |
Humidity (EBM016) | Humidity and temperature sensor using an SHT21 IC connected via I2C - as used by the |
Infrared (EBM020) | The Infrared sensor board contains both an IR transmitter and receiver. |
PIR (EBM012) | This board provides a PIR sensor which is read as a digital input. |
Potentiometer (EBM002) | This board consists of a standard shaft rotary potentiometer that provides a linear voltage |
Rotary Encoder (EBM007) | Provides a rotary encoder with dual digital outputs that provide rotation and direction information. |
Thermistor (EBM003) | A generic thermistor component that can be used to simulate and create code for any |
Thermocouple TypeK (EBM008) | A component matchin the Matrix EBM008 thermocouple board. |
Touch Pads (EBM013) | This board provides two touch areas for use with capacitive sensing. |
Touch Slider (EBM014) | This board provides two touch slide areas for use with capacitive sensing. |
Ultrasonic (EBM019) | This board has both an ultrasonic transmitter and receiver. |
Comms: Interface
CAN (Internal, MCP2515) | Low level routines for controling the CAN interface either using an external MCP2515 IC and a SPI bus connection |
FTDI (FTD2XX) | Simulation only interface to allow communications with a FTDI USB 232 IC connected to the system. |
I2C Master | Generic Two Wire I2C Communications Interface |
I2C Slave | Generic Two Wire I2C Communications Interface |
One Wire | Low level routines for controlling or interacting with a standard one wire interface. |
SPI Master | Low level routines for controlling or interacting with an SPI interface. |
UART (RS232) | Low level routines for controlling or interacting with a standard asyncronous serial interface. |
Comms: Networking
Base 64 | Component to allow base 64 encoding and decoding. |
Network Communications | A component designed to simplify the process of TCP/IP communications. |
TCP Template | Base TCP/IP component with simulation only interface to allow TCP/IP style network communications in simulation. |
TCPIP (ENC28J60) | A set of routines used to control a ENC28J60 TCP/IP Module. |
TCPIP (NM7010A) | TCP/IP component designed to work with the WIZ3100 range of modules from Wiznet. |
TCPIP (Raspberry Pi) | TCP/IP sockets component for use with Raspberry Pi. |
TCPIP (WIZ810MJ) | TCP/IP component designed to work with the WIZ810MJ module from Wiznet, |
Webserver (NM7010A) (NM7010A) | Webserver component designed to work with the NM7010A module from Wiznet, |
Webserver (WIZ810MJ) | Webserver component designed to work with the WIZ810MJ module from Wiznet, |
Comms: System
DALI Master | A serial based communications protocol designed for controlling lighting, specifically digitally |
DALI Slave | A serial based communications protocol designed for controlling lighting, specifically digitally |
DMX_512 Master | A serial based communications protocol designed for controlling theatrical equipment such |
DMX_512 Slave | A serial based communications protocol designed for controlling theatrical equipment such |
IO Expander (MCP23017) | Provides 16 digital input/output pins arranged into two 8-bit ports using a I2C bus connection. |
IO Expander (MCP23S17) | Provides 16 digital input/output pins arranged into two 8-bit ports using a SPI bus connection. |
IO Expander (PCF8574) | Provides 8 digital input/output pins arranged into an 8-bit port using a I2C bus connection. |
IO Expander (PCF8575) | Provides 16 digital input/output pins arranged into 8-bit ports using a I2C bus connection.Up to eight expanders can be connected to the same I2C peripheral by means of three address pins.Supports the PCF8575 device allowing up to 8 expanders to be connected to the same I2C bus. |
MIDI | Low level routines for controlling or interacting with a standard MIDI interface. |
MULTIUART (SPI2UART) | Uses a high speed SPI connection to enable up to four buffered external UARTs via the MULTIUART modules. |
Modbus Master | Modbus component for talking to Modbus compatible hardware via RS232 or RS485. |
Modbus Slave | Modbus component for creating Modbus compatible slave hardware via RS232 or RS485. |
Modbus TCP Master | Modbus component for talking to Modbus compatible hardware via Ethernet or WIFI. |
Modbus TCP Slave | Modbus component for creating Modbus compatible slave hardware via Ethernet or WIFI. |
Visi (4DSystems) | A way of interacting with the VISI interface designed by 4D systems. |
Comms: USB
USB HID | Component to create and communicate using a standard HID type USB class. |
USB MIDI | Component to create and communicate using a standard MIDI connection. |
USB Serial | Component to create and communicate using a standard CDC type COM port. |
USB Slave | Component to create and communicate using a generic USB communications profile. |
Data Injector Template | A base data injector used as a placeholder in components which reference the data injector interface. |
Bluetooth (EB024, Generic AT) | Low level routines for controlling a standard AT Bluetooth interface. |
Bluetooth (HC05 HC06) | Low level routines for controlling or interacting with a HC05 or HC06 Bluetooth module. |
Bluetooth (RN4677) | Low level routines for controlling a Microchip RN4677 Bluetooth Module. |
Bluetooth v2 (EB024, Generic AT) | Low level routines for controlling a standard AT Bluetooth interface. |
GPS (EB056, Generic NMEA) | Component designed to process incoming NMEA style GPS data and convert into meaningful |
GSM (EB066, Generic AT) | Low level routines for controlling a standard AT GSM / GPRS interface |
IrDA (EB012, MCP1250, MCP2120) | Low level routines for controlling a standard IrDA interface. |
RC5 (EB060, Generic 36KHz) | Low level routines for controlling a standard RC5 IR interface. |
RF 2.4GHz (nRF24L01) | A simple RF communications module based on the 2. |
RF ISM (EB063, MRF49XA) | A simple RF-ISM communications module based on the Microchip Alpha MRF49XA device. |
RFID (EB052, RWD_MICODE) | Low level routines for controlling a RF Solutions RFID interface |
RFID (MFRC522) | Functions designed to work with the MFRC522 contactless reader IC. |
SRF (WirelessThings) (SRF) | The SRF is designed for wireless transmission and reception of serial data in an easy to use surface mounted module. |
WLAN (ESP-12S) | Wireless LAN component designed to work with the ESP-12S module. |
WLAN (EB069, ESP8266) (ESP8266) | Wireless LAN component designed to work with the ESP8266 module. |
WLAN (EB069, WIZ610wi) | Wireless LAN component designed to work with the WIZ610wi module from Wiznet. |
Zigbee (EB051, XBEE) (XBEE) | Zigbee component designed to work with the XBEE range of modules from Digi. |
Auto Version Identifier | Basic component designed to provide the program with the date and time of the build. |
Circular Buffer | Circular buffer component allowing easy and efficient first in first out (FIFO) style data byte storage. |
EEPROM | A means of reading data from and writing data to the EEPROM memory onboard the microcontroller. |
Embed File | A component to simplify the process of embedding files into ROM. |
FAT (SD, SDHC) | FAT component allowing access to read and write files on a SD, SDHC or MMC card. |
Lookup tables | A lookup-table component allowing an easy way to place arrays of static data into ROM memory. |
RTC (MCP7940N) | Serial (I2C) Real Time Clock component for MCP7940N device. |
Real Time Clock (RTC) | A Real Time Clock component allowing things like clocks and timers to easily be created. |
Serial EEPROM (24C16) | Serial (I2C) EEPROM component for 24C01 to 24C16 |
Serial EEPROM (24C32) | Serial (I2C) EEPROM component for 24C32 |
String Translator | A simple component to allow multiple language support by substituting different strings depending |
Timer | Allows you to measure the passage of time via the use of a hardware timer peripheral. |
WAV Library FAT | Contains component macros to allow playback and recording of WAV files via an SD card. |
3D Printer | A simulation only version of a very basic 3D printer such as a standard RepRap. |
AllCode Robot Arm | Matrix 5-axis Robot Arm with Gripper. |
Formula AllCode (RB4420) | A component to allow all the features of the Formula AllCode robot to be investigated. |
Formula AllCode API | A simulation only component to allow the Formula AllCode robot to be controlled via it's |
Formula Flowcode | A component to allow all the features of the Formula Flowcode robot to be investigated. |
Motor Template | Base component for constructing continuous motion - e. |
Servo Controller | Can control up to eight standard PWM driven servo's. |
Servo Motor Template | Base component for creating custom servo motor simulations. |
Solenoid Template | Base component for constructing solenoids. |
Stepper Motor Template | Enables the creation of a stepper motor component by specifying objects for its appearance. |
Raspberry Pi
Sense Hat | A component to drive various features on the Raspberry Pi Sense Hat. Supported Features: 8x8 RGB LED / 5-Way Joystick. |
MIAC Module
MIAC (Arduino_Compatible) (MIAC (Arduino-Compatible)) | MIAC - Matrix Industrial Automotive Controller (Arduino-Compatible) |
MIAC (PIC) | MIAC - Matrix Industrial Automotive Controller |
MIAC (dsPIC) (MIAC (dsPIC)) | MIAC - Matrix Industrial Automotive Controller (dsPIC) |
MIAC: Addon Modules
MIAC (PIC) CAN Slave | MIAC Slave for MIAC System. |
MIAC Advanced | Advanced Addon for MIAC System |
MIAC Basic | Basic Addon expansion module for MIAC System |
MIAC Bluetooth | Bluetooth Addon for MIAC System |
MIAC GPS | GPS Addon expansion module for MIAC System |
MIAC GSM | GSM Addon for MIAC System. |
MIAC Industrial | MIAC Industrial Addon component for MIAC System. |
MIAC Serial | Serial Addon expansion module for MIAC System |
MIAC Zigbee Coordinator | MIAC Zigbee Coordinator Addon component for MIAC System. |
MIAC Zigbee Router | MIAC Zigbee Router Addon component for MIAC System. |
MIAC: PC Peripheral
MIAC (PIC) USB Slave | Allows Matrix's MIAC PLC to be used as a PC peripheral controlled by Flowcode via a USB |
MIAC AllCode | MIAC AllCode. |
Control | Allows for several types of control operations to be performed on a buffer. |
DSP System | DSP System main buffer manager responsible for allocating memory, taking care of buffer indexes ... |
Delay | Allows an adjustable delay to be inserted into the DSP system |
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) | Provides a way of converting a buffer full of time domain data into frequency domain data. |
Filter | Filter component to allow basic filtering to be performed |
Frequency Generator | A frequency generator component designed to plug into the DSP system component and allow several... |
Input | Allows the values from a buffer to be assigned. |
Level | Allows for detection and collection of peaks, troughs and averages. |
Output | Allows the values from a buffer to be read. |
Scale | Allows the values in a single buffer to be scaled uniformly. |
Sum | Component to combine together two DSP buffers into one an index at a time. |
Animator | Basic animation and physics simulation for a single object. |
Motion Helper | Helper for building components which require simulation of constant motion. |
Formula Flowcode Racetrack (HP458) | A simple race course for the Formula Flowcode buggy. |
Maze Generator (HP458) | Creates a simulation only randomised maze out of standard micromouse maze walls and pillars. |
Meter Square | Square analogue panel meter. |
Simulation External Input | A simulation only component designed to allow a single digital pin to be toggled at a set frequency. |
Simulation LED 3mm | A single LED 3mm for sim only |
Simulation LED SMD | A simple LED suitable for simulation that does not require a pin connection |
Simulation Switch Template | A base for building switches that do not download to chip. |
Time Stamp | A simple simulation component to collect the current system timestamp as a string. |
Airplane Landing Gear | A simulation of an Airplane Landing Gear containing, switches, locking mechanisms and retracting landing gear. |
CNC Machine | A CNC Machine that allows for simulation movement in the X, Y, Z directions and also providing access to the Drill. |
Car Seat | An electric car seat chassis with a series of motors and sensors. |
Pedestrian Crossing | A set of pedestrian crossing lights complete with manual light control, a simple state machine and an |
Sheep Pen | A simple sheep pen simulation with two gates and two sensors. |
Traffic Light 1_Way | A set of one way traffic lights complete with manual light control, a simple state machine and an |
Traffic Light 2_Way | A set of two way traffic lights complete with manual light control, a simple state machine and an |
3rd Party Equipment/Tools
K8055D | Support for the Velleman K8055 USB input/output board. |
PicoScope (PS2000) | A set of functions designed for interacting with a 2000 series Pico scope via simulation. |
TTI TG5011 Signal Generator (TG5011) | TTi TG5011 50 MHz Signal Generator |
TTi Power Supply _ PL155_P (TTi PL155-P PSU) | TTi PL155-P Power Supply Unit Component. |
Matrix Tools
COM Port | Serial based simulation component for use with systems such as RS232, Bluetooth and USB Serial. |
Console Debugger (Raspberry Pi) | Component to allow printing debug messages to the Raspberry Pi Console. |
Device Helper | A purely cosmetic component for viewing the details specific to your current selected target microcontroller. |
E_block Helper | A purely cosmetic component to help simplify E-block connections without having to keep referring to the datasheets. |
FCD helper | A helper control to query the current FCD file |
IntOsc Helper | A component to help configure the speed of the internal oscillator. |
Scope monitor | A component to allow data from analogue and digital pins to be displayed on the scope window. |
Serial Monitor | Allows data from a COM port to be piped through to the console window for easy program status and debugging. |
Modelling Components
Clone Matrix | Takes a single object and produces a three dimensional array of evenly spaced clones. |
Peripheral CAL
ADC (CAL) | CAL - Code Abstraction Layer |
CAN (CAL) | CAL = Code Abstraction Layer - Allows one code base to run on a wide range of chips. |
EEPROM (CAL) | CAL = Code Abstraction Layer - Allows one code base to run on a wide range of chips. |
I2C (CAL) | CAL = Code Abstraction Layer - Allows one code base to run on a wide range of chips. |
PWM (CAL) | CAL = Code Abstraction Layer - Allows one code base to run on a wide range of chips. |
SPI (CAL) | CAL = Code Abstraction Layer - Allows one code base to run on a wide range of chips. |
UART (CAL) | CAL = Code Abstraction Layer - Allows one code base to run on a wide range of chips. |
2D Shapes
Ellipse | A basic ellipse primitive shape. |
Label | A basic text label. |
Line | A basic line primitive shape. |
Rectangle | A basic rectangle primitive shape. |
Rounded rectangle | A basic rounded rectangle primitive shape. |
Textbox | A basic textbox. |
3D Shapes
Bowl | A basic bowl primitive shape. |
Cone | A basic cone primitive shape. |
Cuboid | A basic cuboid primitive shape. |
Cylinder | A basic cylinder primitive shape. |
Diamond | A basic diamond primitive shape. |
Hemisphere | A basic hemisphere primitive shape. |
Honeycomb | A basic honeycomb primitive shape. |
Prism | A basic prism primitive shape. |
Pyramid | A basic pyramid primitive shape. |
Sphere | A basic sphere primitive shape. |
Tube | A basic tube primitive shape. |
Advanced Shapes
Bezel Radiused | A purely cosmetic component for creating smoothly radiused bezel or frame to fit around |
Component Label | Add a label to a component by including this component as a sub-component. |
Component Labels | Automatically generates labels for all panel objects and components in a given context. |
Dashboard Text | A simulation only text box that can be used to display text and numbers. |
Marking control | A control to draw markings on any component |
Panel Console Viewer | An easy way to display the data from up to four console windows on the panel. |
RxTx Flasher | Simple indicator panel intended as a sub-component of communications components. |
Scale Arc Template | A base component for drawing circular dials. |
Scale Linear Template | A base component for drawing scales on horizontal or vertical strips. |
Slider control | A simple graphical interface for a vertical meter or slider control. |
Target Chip | A cosmetic only representation of the target microcontoller device showing the default package type complete with pins. |
Wood Fence | A simple wooden fence used to create simple walls and pens for simulations. |
Wood Gate | A simple gate that can be opened and closed via simulation macros. |